International Journal of                                                 Numerical Analysis & Modeling

 ISSN 1705-5105
"For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics" -----Roger Bacon



              Volume 10  (2013)                  

(all papers can be downloaded at the page numbers)                        

Volume  10,  Number  1 (2013)  --- Contents                

T. Sun, L. Ge and W. Liu,  Equivalent a posteriori error estimates for a constrained         optimal control problem governed by parabolic equations.........................................................1

J.-H. Pyo,   Error estimates for the second order semi-discrete stabilized gauge-uzawa      method for the navier-stokes equations...................................................................................24

L. Cao, L. Zhang, W. Allegretto and Y. Lin, Multiscale computation of a Steklov      eigenvalue problem with rapidly oscillating coefficients.............................................................42

G. Yuksel and R. Ingram,   Numerical analysis of a finite element Crank-Nicolson   discretization for MHD flows at small magnetic Reynolds numbers..........................................74

S. Clain and M. Djeno, The half-planes problem for the level set equation.............................99

M. Franken, M. Rumpf and B. Wirth,   A phase field based PDE constrained optimization approach to time discrete Willmore flow................................................................................166

Q. Lin and H. Xie, Extrapolation of the finite element method on general meshes................. 139

T. Xiong, C.-W. Shu and M. Zhang,  A priori error estimates for semi-discrete          
discontinuous Galerkin methods solving nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi equations with                          smooth solutions.......................................................................................................

V. Franklin, M. Paramasivam, J.J.H. Miller and S. Valarmathi, Second order                     parameter-uniform convergence for a finite difference method for a singularly perturbed                 linear parabolic system..........................................................................................................178

Y. Goto, A 2-dimensional mechanical model of the formation of a somite ..............................203

J. Carcione and D. Kosloff, Representation of matched-layer kernels with viscoelastic               mechanical models...............................................................................................................221

H. Chan, E. Chung and G. Cohen, SStability and dispersion analysis of the staggered                discontinuous Galerkin method for wave propagation...........................................................233

Volume  10,  Number  2 (2013)  --- Contents                         

R. Ingram,  Unconditional convergence of high-order extrapolations of the Crank-Nicolson,        finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations...........................................................257

T. Lin and D. Sheen,   The immersed finite element method for parabolic problems                   using the Laplace transformation in time discretization.............................................................298

C. Jung and T. Nguyen, Semi-analytical numerical methods for convection-dominated   problems with turning points..................................................................................................314

S. Dumont and J.-B. Duval, Numerical investigation of the decay rate of solutions to                  models for water waves with non local viscosity ....................................................................333

H. Zhu and Z. Zhang, Local Error Estimates of the LDG Method for 1-D Singularly                  Perturbed Problems..............................................................................................................350

J. Cheng, X. Huang, S. Shu, J. Xu, C. Zhang, S. Zhang and Z. Zhou,   Application of an energy-minimizing algebraic multigrid method for subsurface water simulations........................374

Z. Chen, D. Cheng, W. Feng and T. Wu, An optimal 9-point  finite difference scheme            
 for the Helmholtz equation with PML

E. Creuse, S. Nicaise, Z. Tang, Y. Menach, N. Nemitz and F. Piriou,  Residual-based          a posteriori estimators for the T/ Ω magnetodynamic harmonic formulation of                                the Maxwell system..............................................................................................................411

L. Wei and Y. He, Numerical analysis of the fractional seventh-order KdV equation using           an implicit fully discrete local discontinuous Galerkin method.................................................430

P. Kalita, Convergence of Rothe scheme for hemivariational inequalities of parabolic type ...445

M. Braack and N. Taschenberger, Hierarchical a posteriori residual based
 error estimators for bilinear finite elements

S. Bajpai, N. Nataraj and A. Pani, On fully discrete finite element schemes for equations           of motion of Kelvin-Voigt fluids.............................................................................................482

Volume  10,  Number  3 (2013)  --- Contents                         

B. Ewald and F. Tone,  Approximation of the long-term dynamics of the dynamical system         generated by the two-dimensional thermohydraulics equations................................................500

W. Shen, L. Ge and D. Yang,   Finite element methods for optimal control problems                  governed by linear quasi-parabolic integro-differential equations.............................................536

J. Wang, Y. Wang and X. Ye, Unified a posteriori error estimator \\for finite element methods for the Stokes equations........................................................................................................551

A. Kacimi, T. Aliziane and B. Khouider, The Arakawa Jacobian method and                           a fourth-order essentially nonoscillatory scheme for the beta-plane barotropic equations.........571

X. Deng, Y. Zhao and J. Zou, On linear finite elements for simultaneously recovering        source location and intensity..................................................................................................588

S. Rao and M. Kumar,   An almost fourth order parameter-robust numerical method
for a linear system of M >=2 coupled singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems...

B. Li and W. Sun, Error analysis of linearized semi-implicit Galerkin finite element methods      for nonlinear parabolic equations.......................................................................................... 622

Y. Wu, X. Xie and L. Chen,  Hybrid stress finite volume method for linear elasticity problems..............................................................................................................................634

J. Wu and Z. Wang, Mixed Fourier-generalized Jacobi rational spectral method for
two-dimensional exterior problems

K. Chrysafinos, Convergence of discontinuous time-stepping schemes for a Robin boundary control problem under minimal regularity assumptions ............................................................673

X. Luo, Y. Chen and Y. Huang, Some error estimates of finite volume element               approximation for elliptic optimal control problems.................................................................697

R. Fabiano,A semidiscrete approximation scheme for neutral delay-differential equations.......712

Y. Duan and X. Yang, The finite element method of a Euler scheme for stochastic               Navier-Stokes equations involving the turbulent component....................................................727

S. Bahi and A. Ross, An algorithm for finding nonnegative minimal norm solutions of linear systems.................................................................................................................................745

Volume  10,  Number  4 (2013)  --- Contents                         

N. Du, J. Shi and W. Liu,  An effective gradient projection method for stochastic optimal           control.................................................................................................................................757

W. Li, D. Liang and Y. Lin,   A new energy-conserved S-FDTD scheme for Maxwell's             equations in metamaterials.....................................................................................................775

C. Clavero, J. Gracia, G. Shishkin and L. Shishkina, Grid approximation of a singularly perturbed parabolic equation with degenerating convective term and discontinuous right-hand side......................................................................................................................................795

H. Tian, H. Wang and W. Wang, An efficient collocation method\for a non-local diffusion          model...................................................................................................................................815

F. Guillen-Gonzalez and M. Redondo-Neble, Spatial error estimates for a finite element viscosity-splitting scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations.....................................................826

P. Zhu, Z. Xie and S. Zhou,   Uniform convergence of a coupled  method for convection- diffusion problems in 2-D Shishkin mesh................................................................................845

M.~Asadzadeh and E.~Kazemi, On convergence of the streamline diffusion and       discontinuous Galerkin methods for the multi-dimensional Fermi pencil beam equation........... 860

W. Zhao, Y. Li and L. Ju,  Error estimates of the Crank-Nicolson scheme for solving     backward stochastic differential equations.............................................................................876

J. Ku, A comment on least-squares finite element methods with minimum
regularity assumptions

D. Shi and Z. Yu, Nonconforming mixed finite element methods for stationary incompressible magnetohydrodynamics ........................................................................................................904

P. Vedell and Z. Wu, The solution of the boundary-value problems for the simulation of    transition of protein conformation...........................................................................................904

L. Shan, W. Layton and H. Zheng, Numerical analysis of modular VMS methods with    nonlinear eddy viscosity for the Navier-Stokes equations.......................................................943

Y. Xu and T. Zeng, Fast optimal H_2 model reduction algorithms based on Grassmann     manifold optimization............................................................................................................972



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