International Journal of                                                 Numerical Analysis & Modeling

 ISSN 1705-5105
"For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics" -----Roger Bacon



              Volume 15  (2018)                  

(all papers can be downloaded at the page numbers)                        

Volume  15,  Number  1-2 (2018)  --- Contents                

                     In Memory of Professor Benyu Guo                 

J. Du and C.-W. Shu,  Positivity-preserving high-order schemes for conservation laws on arbitrarily distributed point clouds with a simple WENO limiter...........................................1

L. Yi and B. Guo,  The h-p version of the continuous Petrov-Galerkin method for nonlinear Volterra functional integro-differential equations with vanishing delays......................26

H. Zhang, T. Lin and Y. Lin, Linear and quadratic immersed finite element methods for themulti-layer porous wall model for coronary drug-eluting stents.....................................48

L. V azquez, M. Velasco, J. V azquez-Poletti, M. Llorente, D. Usero and S. Jimenez,     Modeling and simulation of the atmospheric dust dynamic: fractional calculus and cloud computing ........................................................................................................................74

J. Huang and X. Huang,   A nonoverlapping DDM for general elastic body-plate problems discretized by the P1-NZT FEM...........................................................................................86

C. Chen and J. Yang,  The singularity-separated method for the singular perturbation    problems in 1-D....................................................................................................................102

J. Li, H. Ma, L. Wang and H. Wu,  Spectral element methods on hybrid triangular and quadrilateral meshesl.............................................................................................................111

W. Sun, S. Jiang and K. Xu,  An asymptotic preserving implicit unified gas kinetic scheme          for frequency-dependent radiative transfer equations.........................................................134

Z. Li, G. Song and Y. Xu,,  A fixed-point proximity approach to solving the support vector regression with the group lasso regularization....................................................................154

S.M. Lin, M. Azaiez and C.J. Xu,  A fractional Stokes equation and its spectral approximations.....................................................................................................................170

R. Wong,  Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials..............................................................193

J. Yang, Q. Du and W. Zhang,   Uniform Lp-bound of the Allen–Cahn equation and its numerical discretization........................................................................................................213

J. Hu and R. Ma,  Conforming mixed triangular prism elements for the linear elasticity problem...............................................................................................................................228

J. Li, Z. Wang and H. Li,  Fully diagonalized Chebyshev spectral methods for second and fourth order elliptic boundary value problems.......................................................................243

Q. Hong, H. Xie, M. Yue and N. Zhang,  Fully computable error bounds for eigenvalue problem..............................................................................................................................260

Z. Fang, J. Shen and H. Sun,  Preconditioning techniques in Chebyshev collocation       method   for elliptic equations...............................................................................................277

W. Cao, Superconvergence of a quadratic finite element method on adaptively refined   anisotropic meshes..............................................................................................................288


Volume  15,  Number  3 (2018)  --- Contents                       

T. Tachim Medjo and F. Tone,  Approximation of the long-term dynamics of the dynamical system generated by a 3D NS-\alpha systems with phase transition........................................307

Q. Chang, Y. Lin and S. Xu,  An approximate algorithm to solve linear systems by matrix     with off-diagonal exponential decay entries............................................................................340

V. Heidarpour-Dehkordi and C. Christara,  Spread option pricing using ADI methods.....353

W. Shen, Z. Zhou, P. Liu, Q. Jin, W. Liu and H. Niu,  A unified parallel DEA model and efficiency modeling of multi-activity and or non-homogeneous activity.....................................370

S. Chou and T. Sun,  Optimal order convergence implies numerical smoothness II:                      the pullback polynomial case...............................................................................................392

Y. Wang and X. Zhao,  Symmetric high order Gautschi-type exponential wave integrators           pseudospectral method for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation in the nonrelativistic limit              regime..................................................................................................................................405

T. Abdelhamid, X. Deng and R. Chen,  A new method for simultaneously reconstructing      the space-time dependent Robin coefficient and heat flux in a parabolic system.......................428

R. Altmann and J. Heiland, Regularization and Rothe discretization of semi-explicit                    operator DAEs....................................................................................................................452

Volume  15,  Number  4-5 (2018)  --- Contents                       

Dedicated to Professor William Layton
on the occasion of his 60th birthday


L. Berselli,  Weak solutions constructed by semi-discretization are suitable: the case of slip
boundary conditions............................................................................................................479

J. Connors,  An ensemble-based conventional turbulence model for fluid-fluid interaction.....492

C. Corduneanu,  A glimpse on fourier analysis: third stage..................................................520

J. Fiordilino and S. Khankan,  Ensemble timestepping algorithms for natural convection..........................................................................................................................524

D. Glotov, W. E. Hames, A. Meir and S. Ngoma,  An inverse diffusion coefficient problem for a parabolic equation with integral constraint........................................................552

P. Hoffman,  Hyperbolic PDEs across gasdynamics, plasticity, and granular plasticity...564

H. Lee and S. Xu,  Numerical approximation on viscoelastic fluid-structure interaction problems.............................................................................................................................579

T. Iliescu and H. Liu and X. Xie, Regularized reduced order models  for a stochastic burgers equation............................................................................................................................594

M. Gunzburger, N. Jiang and M. Schneier,  A higher-order ensemble/proper orthogonal
decomposition method for the nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations.....................

I. Lyngaas and J. Peterson,  Using RBF-generated quadrature rules to solve nonlocal anomalous diffusion............................................................................................................628

L. Rebholz, S. Wise and M. Xiao, Penalty-projection schemes for the Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes diffuse interface model of two phase flow, and their connection to  divergence-free coupled schemes...............................................................................................................649

V. John, S. Kaya and J. Novo,  Finite element error analysis of a mantle convection model................................................................................................................................677

A. Takhirov, M. Neda, J. Waters,  Modular nonlinear filter based time relaxation scheme for high Reynolds number flows..........................................................................................699

Y. Li, C. Trenchea,  Existence and ergodicity for the two-dimensional stochastic Boussinesq equation...................................................................................................................715

M. Neilan and D. Sap,  Macro Stokes elements on quadrilaterals....................................729

Volume  15,  Number  6 (2018)  --- Contents                       


V. Bokil and P. Sakkaplangkul,  Construction and analysis of weighted sequential          splitting FDTD methods for the 3D Maxwell's  equations......................................................747

Y. Cheng, Y. Cheng and H. Wang,  Local analysis of the local discontinuous Galerkin    method with the generalized alternating numerical flux for two-dimensional singularly       perturbed problem................................................................................................................785

E. Olson,  Model error in the LANS-alpha and NS-alpha deconvolution models of                      turbulence.............................................................................................................................811

H. Dong, Y. Nie, J. Cui, Z. Yang and Z. Wang,  Second-order two-scale analysis          method for dynamic thermo-mechanical problems of composite structures with cylindrical periodicity............................................................................................................................834

R. Broglia, K. Choi, P. Houston, L. Pasquale and P. Zanchetta,  Output feedback      control of flow separation over an aerofoil using plasma actuators..........................................864

J. Zhao, X. Yang, Y. Gong, X. Zhao, X. Yang, J. Li and Q. Wang,  A general strategy         for numerical approximations of non-equilibrium models--part I: thermodynamical systems.....884



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