John Bowman, Recent Talks
Conservative, Symplectic, and Exponential Integrators,
Canadian Mathematical Society Meeting
Vancouver, British Columbia (December 1, 2024).*
Bounds on the Global Attractor of 2D Incompressible Turbulence,
SIAM Annual Meeting
Spokane, Washington (July 11, 2024).*
Exponential Integrators,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Kingston, Ontario (June 24, 2024).*
Bounds on the Global Attractor of 2D Incompressible Turbulence in the palenstrophy-enstrophy-energy space,
AMS Fall Western Virtual Sectional Meeting (October 25, 2020).*
FFTW++: A Hybrid OpenMP/MPI Implementation of FFTs and Implicitly Dealiased Convolutions,
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
Seattle, Washington (February 14, 2020).*
How to Design an Efficient Pseudospectral Code,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Whistler, British Columbia (June 11, 2019).*
A New Technique for Constructing Exponential Integrators,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Whistler, British Columbia (June 10, 2019).*
Exponential Integrators,
Canadian Mathematical Society Meeting
Vancouver, British Columbia (December 8, 2018).*
On the Global Attractor of 2D Incompressible
Turbulence with Random Forcing and Friction,
American Mathematical Society Meeting,
Fayetteville, Arkansas (November 3, 2018).*
On the Global Attractor of 2D Incompressible
Turbulence with Random Forcing and Friction,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Toronto, Ontario (June 5, 2018).*
On the Global Attractor of 2D Incompressible
Turbulence with Random Forcing, University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas (March 23, 2018).*
On the Global Attractor of 2D Incompressible
Turbulence with Random Forcing, Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey (February 19, 2018).*
What Is Missing in High School Mathematics
Education? High School Professional Development Day,
Edmonton, Alberta (November 27, 2017).*
On the Global Attractor of 2D Incompressible
Turbulence with Random Forcing, Indiana University,
Bloomington, Indiana (October 25, 2017).*
Pseudospectral methods for investigating the global
attractor of 2D turbulence, Americas XI Conference on
Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis,
Edmonton, Alberta (August 19, 2017).
On the Global Attractor of 2D Incompressible Turbulence with Random Forcing, Mathematical Congress of the Americas,
Montreal, Quebec (July 27, 2017).*
The Partial Fourier Transform,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Halifax, Nova Scotia (July 19, 2017).*
What Is Missing in High School Mathematics
Education? Alberta Mathematics Dialog,
Edmonton, Alberta (May 5, 2017).*
What Is Missing in High School Mathematics
Education? Alberta Education Mathematics Expert Working Group,
Edmonton, Alberta (January 13, 2017).*
Implicitly Dealiased Convolutions on Shared-Memory and Distributed-Memory Parallel Processors,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Edmonton, Alberta (June 29, 2016).*
Using Partial Fourier Transforms to Study Kolmogorov's Inertial-Range Flux,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Edmonton, Alberta (June 28, 2016).*
Recent Advances in the Pseudospectral Method,
Challenges in Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics and Fluid Dynamics
Provo, Utah (May 24, 2016).*
Adaptive Transpose Algorithms for Distributed
Multicore Processors,
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
Paris, France (April 15, 2016).
Recent Advances in the Pseudospectral Method,
SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations,
Scottsdale, Arizona (December 8, 2015).*
Adaptive Matrix Transpose Algorithms for
Distributed Multicore Processors,
Canadian Association of Physicists Meeting,
Edmonton, Alberta (June 16, 2015).
Implicitly Padded Convolutions on Hybrid Parallel Architectures",
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Waterloo, Ontario (June 8, 2015).*
How Important is Dealiasing for Turbulence
Simulations? UCLA Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Los Angeles, California (September 30, 2014).*
Adaptive Matrix Transpose Algorithms for
Distributed Multicore Processors,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (June 25, 2014).*
What Is Missing in High School Mathematics
Education? Alberta Mathematics Dialogue, Camrose, Alberta (May 1, 2014).*
Adaptive Matrix Transpose Algorithms for
Distributed Multicore Processors, International Interdisciplinary
Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science,
Waterloo, Ontario (August 30, 2013).
Pseudospectral Reduction of Incompressible
Two-Dimensional Turbulence, Mathematical Congress of the Americas,
Guanajuato, Mexico (August 5, 2013).*
How Important is Dealiasing for Turbulence
Simulations? Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society
Meeting, Quebec, Quebec (June 19, 2013).*
Implicit Dealiasing of Convolutions over Distributed
Memory, Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Quebec, Quebec (June 17, 2013).*
Pseudospectral Reduction of Incompressible
Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
Euromech Colloqium 542: Progress in Statistical Theory and Pseudospectral
DNS, Lyon, France (January 18, 2013).*
Turbulence, Scientific Computing, and Visualization,
Graduate Research Day, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta (October 25, 2012).
Pseudospectral Reduction of Incompressible Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Toronto, Ontario (June 25, 2012).*
Structure-Preserving and Exponential Discretizations of Initial-Value Problems,
Condensed Matter Physics Seminar,
Edmonton, Alberta (March 29, 2012).*
Pseudospectral Reduction of Incompressible Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
Canadian Mathematical Society Meeting,
Toronto, Ontario (December 12, 2011).*
Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations,
San Diego, California (November 17, 2011).*
Pseudospectral Reduction of Incompressible Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations,
San Diego, California (November 15, 2011).*
Pseudospectral Reduction of Incompressible Two-Dimensional Turbulence
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Woods Hole, MA (July 21, 2011).*
Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
Canadian Mathematical Society Meeting,
Edmonton, Alberta (June 4, 2011).*
Casimir Cascades in 2D Turbulence,
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics: The Nature of Turbulence,
Santa Barbara, California (March 23, 2011).*
The Pseudospectral Method: Recent Advances and Prospects, Part II,
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics: The Nature of Turbulence,
Santa Barbara, California (March 18, 2011).*
The Pseudospectral Method: Recent Advances and Prospects, Part I,
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics: The Nature of Turbulence,
Santa Barbara, California (March 14, 2011).*
Reduced Order Modeling for Turbulent Flows,
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics: The Nature of Turbulence,
Santa Barbara, California (February 23, 2011).*
Open Problems in Turbulence,
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics: The Nature of Turbulence,
Santa Barbara, California (February 9, 2011).*
Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
Physics Colloquium,
Edmonton, Alberta (September 24, 2010).*
Dealiased Convolutions without the Padding,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
St. John's, Newfoundland (June 20, 2010).*
Interactive TeX-Aware 3D Vector Graphics,
TeX Users Group 2010,
San Francisco, California (June 30, 2010).*
Dealiased Convolutions without the Padding,
Waves Phenomena IV
Edmonton, Alberta (June 15, 2010).
The Fastest Convolution in the West,
Applied Mathematics Institute Seminar,
Edmonton, Alberta (April 13, 2010).*
Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
Fluids Seminar,
Edmonton, Alberta (February 24, 2010).*
To Infinity and Beyond!
Last Lecture on Earth Series, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta (January 27, 2010).*
Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
1051st American Mathematical Society Meeting,
Waco, Texas (October 17, 2009).*
The Multispectral Method: Progress and Prospects,
12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference,
Marburg, Germany (September 9, 2009).
Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference,
Marburg, Germany (September 8, 2009).
Exponential Integrators,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
London, Ontario (June 11, 2009).
A Fully Lagrangian Advection Scheme,
Canadian Mathematical Society,
St. John's, Newfoundland (June 8, 2009).*
A Fully Lagrangian Advection Scheme,
Canadian Mathematical Society,
Ottawa, Ontario (December 6, 2008).*
Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
The 18th Canadian Symposium on Fluid Dynamics,
Montreal, Quebec (June 4, 2008).*
Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
The 32nd SIAM Southeastern-Atlantic Section Conference,
Orlando, Florida (March 14, 2008).*
Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
1032nd American Mathematical Society Meeting,
Albuquerque, New Mexico (October 13, 2007).*
Asymptote: The Vector Graphics Language,
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany (August 16, 2007).*
The 3D Asymptote Generalization of the MetaPost Bezier Interpolation Algorithms,
International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Zurich, Switzerland (July 16, 2007).
Exponential Integrators,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Banff, Alberta (May 22, 2007).*
Asymptote: The Vector Graphics Language,
Workshop on Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
Lorentz Center, Leiden University, The Netherlands (March 22, 2007).*
Asymptote: The Vector Graphics Language,
University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas (February 22, 2007).*
Links between dissipation, intermittency, and helicity in the GOY shell model,
University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas (February 22, 2007).*
Links between dissipation, intermittency, and helicity in the GOY shell model,
17th Canadian Symposium on Fluid Dynamics,
Toronto, Ontario (June 17-19, 2006).*
A Fully Lagrangian Advection Scheme,
Fifth International Conference on Scientific Computing and Applications,
Banff, Alberta (May 18-21, 2006).
Structure-Preserving and Exponential Discretizations of Initial-Value Problems,
26th MidWest-Pacific Differential Equations Conference,
Edmonton, Alberta (October 15, 2005).
Mode Reduction Schemes and Subgrid Models for Homogeneous Turbulence,
Workshop on Representing Unresolved Degrees of Freedom for the
Atmosphere and Ocean,
Montreal, Quebec (March 3, 2005).*
Turbulent Cascades: What Length Scale Enters the Intermittency Correction?
Theoretical Physics Institute Symposium,
Banff, Alberta (September, 2004).*
Local vs. Nonlocal Enstrophy Flux in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
5th International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential
Pomona, California (June, 2004).*
Spectral Reduction of the GOY Shell Turbulence Model,
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Meeting,
Halifax, Canada (June, 2004).*
Structure-Preserving Discretizations of Initial-Value Problems,
Oldenburg Universität, Oldenburg, Germany (February, 2004).*
Spectral Reduction: A Statistical Description of Turbulence,
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany (October, 2003).*
The Dual Cascade in Bounded and Unbounded Two-Dimensional Fluids,
Canadian Mathematical Society, Edmonton, Alberta (June, 2003).*
Realizable Markovian Closures,
Stochastic Modeling of Geophysical Flows Workshop, National Center
for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado (March, 2003).*
*=invited talk
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