[206] (with Fernando Saldaña, José Camacho-Gutiérrez), Unraveling the Influence of the Objective Functional on Epidemic Optimal Control: Insights from the SIR Model, Mathematical Biosciences, in press (2025). [205] (with Bapin Mondal, Sayan Mandal, Pankaj Kumar Tiwari, Pablo Venegas Garcia), Deterministic and stochastic plankton dynamics: Effects of contamination, refuge, and additional food sources, Ecological Complexity, in press (2025). [204] (with Xiumei Deng, Qihua Huang), A nonautonomous model for the impact of toxicants on size-structured aquatic populations: well-posedness and long-term dynamics, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 381: 109382 (2025). [203] (with Shan Gao, Amit K. Chakraborty, Russell Greiner, Mark A. Lewis), Early detection of disease outbreaks and non-outbreaks using incidence data: A framework using feature-based time series classification and machine learning, PLOS Computational Biology, in press (2025). [202] (with Peng Wu, Xiunan Wang), Spatiotemporal dynamics of immune responses to viral infection and re-infection, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol. 472: 134519 (2025). [201] (with B. A. Zambrano-Luna, Russell Milne), Cyanobacteria hot spot detection integrating remote sensing data with convolutional and Kolmogorov-Arnold networks, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 960: 178271 (2025). [200] (with Jiwoon Sim, Tianxu Wang), Stability analysis of nondifferentiable systems, Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 154: e12801 (2025). [199] (with Juping Ji, Shohel Ahmed), A hybrid approach to study and forecast climate-sensitive norovirus infections in the USA, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 598: 112007 (2025). [198] (with Liubov Sysoeva, Ilhem Bouderbala, Miles H. Kent, Esha Saha, B. A. Zambrano-Luna, Russell Milne), Decoding methane concentration in Alberta oil sands: a machine learning exploration, Ecological Indicators, Vol. 170: 112835 (2025). [197] (with Shengqiang Zhang, Yanling Meng, Tianxu Wang), Survival analysis and density function of stochastic stage-structured cannibalism dynamics, DCDS-B, Vol. 30: 1147-1181 (2025). [196] (with Wei Wang, Mengjie Wang), Effects of temperature on asexual reproduction and jellyfish booms of Aurelia aurita: Insights from mathematical modeling, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 499: 110915 (2025). [195] (with Shu Li, Binxiang Dai), Existence and stability of steady states of reaction-diffusion equation with spatiotemporal memory, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 160: 109323 (2025). [194] (with Shohel Ahmed, Juping Ji), Stoichiometric Theory in Optimal Foraging Strategy, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 89: 57 (2024). [193] (with Yawen Yan, Juping Ji), Fungal Parasite Transmission in a Planktonic Ecosystem Under Light and Nutrient Constraints, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 86: 136 (2024). [192] (with Jinhui Yao, Jicai Huang), Relaxation oscillation, homoclinic orbit and limit cycles in a piecewise smooth predator-prey model, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, in press (2024). [191] (with Jamaal Jacobs, Yurij Salmaniw, King-Yeung Lam, Lu Zhai, Bo Zhang), Fundamental principles on the effect of habitat fragmentation on species with different movement rates, Conservation Biology, published online first (2024). [190] (with Zhenyao Sun, Meng Fan), Stoichiometric theory in aquatic carbon sequestration under elevated carbon dioxide, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 376: 109285 (2024). [189] (with Amit K. Chakraborty, Shan Gao, Reza Miry, Pouria Ramazi, Russell Greiner, Mark A. Lewis), An early warning indicator trained on stochastic disease-spreading models with different noises, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Vol. 21: 20240199 (2024). [188] (with Ruoshi Tang, Zhipeng Qiu, Tao Feng), Global insights into a stochastic SIRS epidemic model with Beddington-DeAngelis incidence rate, International Journal of Biomathematics, in press (2024). [187] (with Peng Wu, Xiunan Wang), Spatial heterogeneity analysis for the transmission of syphilis disease in China via a data-validated reaction-diffusion model, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 375: 109243 (2024). [186] (with Amit Chakraborty, Pouria Ramazi), From policy to prediction: assessing forecasting accuracy in an integrated framework with machine learning and disease models, Journal of Computational Biology, Vol. 31: 1104–1117 (2024). [185] (with Wei Wang, Xiaotong Wang), Spatial dynamics of a generalized cholera model with nonlocal time delay in a heterogeneous environment, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 405: 103-150 (2024). [184] (with Jimin Zhang, Xu Han), Phytoplankton-chytrid-zooplankton dynamics via a reaction-diffusion-advection mycoloop model, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 89: 15 (2024). [183] (with Shufei Gao, Sanling Yuan, Anglu Shen), Asymptotic and transient dynamics of a stoichiometric algal growth model with two-stage phosphate uptake, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 84: 1668-1696 (2024). [182] (with Shufei Gao, Sanling Yuan), Theory of stoichiometric intraguild predation: algae, ciliate, and Daphnia, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 86: 79 (2024). [181] (with Wei Wang, Xiaohui Huang), Effects of fish-human transmission and different life stages of fish on Clonorchiasis: A novel mathematical model, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 373: 109209 (2024). [180] (with Di Liu, Yurij Salmaniw, Weihua Jiang), Steady-state bifurcations of a diffusive-advective predator-prey system with hostile boundary conditions and spatial heterogeneity, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), Vol. 75: 124 (2024). [179] (with Haihui Cheng, Liubov Sysoeva, Hairui Yuan, Tonghua Zhang, Xinzhu Meng), Evolution of cooperation in spatio-temporal evolutionary games with public goods feedback, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 86: 67 (2024). [178] (with Qingyan Shi, Yongli Song), Local perception and learning mechanisms in resource-consumer dynamics, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 84: 988-1010 (2024). [177] (with Chuang Xiang, Jicai Huang, Min Lu, Shigui Ruan), Bifurcations and pattern formation in a host-parasitoid model with nonlocal effect, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A, in press (2024). [176] (with Zhimin Han, Yi Wang, Shan Gao, Guiquan Sun), Final epidemic size of a two-community SIR model with asymmetric coupling, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 88: 51 (2024). [175] (with Qi An, Xiunan Wang), Fish survival subject to algal bloom: Resource-based growth models with algal digestion delay and detritus-nutrient recycling delay, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 491: 110672 (2024). [174] (with Shuai Li, Sanling Yuan, Zhen Jin), Double Hopf bifurcation induced by spatial memory in a diffusive predator-prey model with Allee effect and maturation delay of predator, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 132: 107936 (2024). [173] (with Shuanglin Jing, Ling Xue, Zhihang Peng), Global analysis of an age-structured tuberculosis model with an application to Jiangsu, China, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 88: 52 (2024). [172] (with Sarita Bugalia, Jai Prakash Tripathi), Mutations make pandemics worse or better: modeling SARS-CoV-2 variants and imperfect vaccination, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 88: 45 (2024). [171] (with Kai Wang, Hongyong Zhao), Asymptotic profiles of a spatial vector-borne disease model with Fokker-Planck type diffusion, Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 152: 1305-1337 (2024). [170] (with Tianxu Wang), Stoichiometry-dependent fear effect in a food chain model, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 84: 783-807 (2024). [169] (with Jing Wang, Hongyong Zhao), The role of natural recovery category in malaria dynamics under saturated treatment, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 88: 33 (2024). [168] (with Guodong Liu, Xiaoyan Zhang), On cognitive epidemic models: spatial segregation versus nonpharmaceutical interventions, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 88: 31 (2024). [167] (with Cuihua Wang, Sanling Yuan), The impact of water storage capacity on plant dynamics in arid environments: a stoichiometric modeling approach, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 369: 109147 (2024). [166] (with Anglu Shen, Shufei Gao, Jie Jiang, Qingjing Hu, Sanling Yuan), Oscillations of algal cell quota: considering two-stage phosphate uptake kinetics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 581: 111739 (2024). [165] (with Tianxu Wang), Stoichiometric microplastics models in natural and laboratory environments, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 580: 111733 (2024). [164] (with Christopher M Heggerud, Jingjing Xu, Mark A Lewis, Ron W Zurawell, Charlie JG Loewen, Rolf D Vinebrooke, Pouria Ramazi), Predicting imminent cyanobacterial blooms in lakes using incomplete timely data, Water Resources Research, Vol. 60, e2023WR035540 (2024). [163] (with Zhenkun Wang), Nontrivial Traveling Waves of Phage-Bacteria Models in Different Media Types, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 84: 556-580 (2024). [162] (with Guodong Liu, Xiaoyan Zhang), On a chemotactic host-pathogen model: boundedness, aggregation, and segregation, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 34: 32 (2024). [161] (with Kai Wang, Hongyong Zhao), On the role of advection in a spatial epidemic model with general boundary conditions, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 386: 45-79 (2024). [160] (with Shengqiang Zhang, Yanling Meng, Amit Kumar Chakraborty), Controlling smoking: A smoking epidemic model with different smoking degrees in deterministic and stochastic environments, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 368: 109132 (2024). [159] (with Shuyang Xue, Yongli Song), Spatio-temporal dynamics in a reaction-diffusion equation with nonlocal spatial memory, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, Vol. 23: 641-667 (2024). [158] (with Tao Feng, Zhipeng Qiu), Tipping points in seed dispersal mutualism driven by environmental stochasticity, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 84: 114-138 (2024). [157] (with Soumitra Pal, Pankaj Kumar Tiwari, Arvind Kumar Misra), Fear effect in a three-species food chain model with generalist predator, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 21: 1-33 (2024). [156] (with Baoquan Zhou, Tianxu Wang, Daqing Jiang), Stochastic generalized Kolmogorov systems with small diffusion: I. Explicit approximations for invariant probability density function, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 382: 141-210 (2024). [155] (with Yongli Song, Jinfeng Wang), Cognitive consumer-resource spatiotemporal dynamics with nonlocal perception, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 34: 19 (2024). [154] (with Dongxu Geng, Weihua Jiang, Hongbin Wang), Double-Hopf bifurcation and Pattern Formation of a Gause-Kolmogorov-Type System with Indirect Prey-taxis and Direct Predator-taxis, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 128: 107647 (2024). [153] (with Xiunan Wang), Discrete Inverse Method for Extracting Disease Transmission Rates from Accessible Infection Data, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Special Section on the Life Sciences, Vol. 84: S336-S361 (2024). [152] (with Kai Wang, Hongyong Zhao, Ran Zhang), Traveling wave of a reaction-diffusion vector-borne disease model with nonlocal effects and distributed delay, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 35: 3149-3185 (2023). [151] (with Juping Ji, Lin Wang, Pouria Ramazi, Jude Dzevela Kong, James Watmough), Climate-dependent effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 mitigation, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 366: 109087 (2023). [150] (with Tao Feng, Russell Milne), Variation in environmental stochasticity dramatically affects viability and extinction time in a predator-prey system with high prey group cohesion, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 365: 109075 (2023). [159] (with Hua Zhang, Yongli Song, Junjie Wei), Diffusive spatial movement with memory in an advective environment, Nonlinearity, Vol. 36: 4585-4614 (2023). [148] (with Di Liu, Weihua Jiang), Dynamics of a diffusion-advection Lotka-Volterra competition model with stage structure in a spatially heterogeneous environment, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 372: 536-563 (2023). [147] (with Cuihua Wang, Sanling Yuan), Precipitation governing vegetation patterns in an arid or semi-arid environment, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 87: 22 (2023). [146] (with Guodong Liu, Xiaoyan Zhang), Epidemic dynamics and spatial segregation driven by cognitive diffusion and nonlinear incidence, Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 151: 643–675 (2023). [145] (with Xin Zhao, Lidan Liu, Meng Fan), Ecological effects of predator harvesting and environmental noises on oceanic coral reefs, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 85: 59 (2023). [144] (with Shuanglin Jing, Russell Milne, Ling Xue), Vaccine hesitancy promotes emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 570: 111522 (2023). Supporting Information [143] (with Yuyue Zhang, Jicai Huang), Bifurcations driven by generalist and specialist predation: mathematical interpretation of Fennoscandia phenomenon, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 86: 94 (2023). [142] (with Pablo Venegas Garcia), A Data-Validated Stoichiometric Model for the Priming Effect, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 85: 53 (2023). [141] (with Zhenkun Wang, Qi An), Properties of traveling waves in an impulsive reaction-diffusion model with overcompensation, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), Vol. 74: 114 (2023). [140] (with Yurij Salmaniw), Open problems in PDE models for knowledge-based animal movement via nonlocal perception and cognitive mapping, Journal of Mathematical Biology - Review Section, Spatial mathematical ecology: a topical collection to celebrate the 60th birthday of Mark Lewis, Vol. 86: 71 (2023). [139] (with Peng Wu, Shohel Ahmed, Xiunan Wang), PrEP intervention in the mitigation of HIV/AIDS epidemics in China via a data-validated age-structured model, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 85: 41 (2023). [138] (with Hua Zhang, Junjie Wei), Perceptive movement of susceptible individuals with memory, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Topical Collection on Epidemic Modelling in Honour of Fred Brauer, Vol. 86: 65 (2023). [137] (with Jianzhong Gao, Juping Ji, Yanping Liu, Feng Zhang, Ruiwu Wang), A confidence ellipse analysis for stochastic dynamics model of Alzheimer’s disease, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 111: 13513–13533 (2023). [136] (with Sarita Bugalia, Jai Prakash Tripathi, Syed Abaas), General theory for significance of culling in two-way disease transmission between humans and animals, Journal of Biological Systems, Vol. 31: 791-832 (2023). [135] (with Anji Yang, Sanling Yuan), Tipping time in a stochastic Leslie predator-prey model, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 171: 113439 (2023). [134] (with Christopher M. Heggerud, King-Yeung Lam), Niche differentiation in the light spectrum promotes coexistence of phytoplankton species: a spatial modelling approach, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 86: 54 (2023). [133] (with Min Lu, Daozhou Gao, Jicai Huang), Relative prevalence-based dispersal in an epidemic patch model, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Topical Collection on Epidemic Modelling in Honour of Fred Brauer, Vol. 86: 52 (2023). [132] (with Anglu Shen, Shufei Gao, Christopher M. Heggerud, Zengling Ma, Sanling Yuan), Fluctuation of growth and photosynthetic characteristics in Prorocentrum shikokuense under phosphorus limitation: Evidence from field and laboratory, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 479: 110310 (2023). [131] (with Shuai Li, Sanling Yuan, Zhen Jin), Bifurcation analysis in a diffusive predator-prey model with spatial memory of prey, Allee effect and maturation delay of predator, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 357: 32-63 (2023). [130] (with Kai Wang, Hongyong Zhao), Global threshold dynamics of a spatial chemotactic mosquito-borne disease model, The IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 88: 354-377 (2023). [129] (with Hongyong Zhao, Kai Wang), Basic reproduction ratio of a mosquito-borne disease in heterogeneous environment, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 86: 32 (2023). [128] (with Juping Ji, Russell Milne), Stoichiometry and environmental change drive dynamical complexity and unpredictable switches in an intraguild predation model, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 86: 31 (2023). [127] (with Mozzamil Mohammed), Climatic conditions drive vegetation patterns: A theoretical and practical evidence, Physics of Life Reviews, Vol. 44: 89-90 (2023). [126] (with Sarita Bugalia, Jai Prakash Tripathi), Estimating the time-dependent effective reproduction number and vaccination rate for COVID-19 in the USA and India, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 20: 4673-4689 (2023). [125] (with Cuihua Wang, Sanling Yuan), Complex bifurcations and noise-induced transitions: A predation model with fear effect in prey and crowding effect in predators, DCDS-B, Vol. 28: 3837-3867 (2023). [124] (with Hao Shen, Yongli Song), Bifurcations in a diffusive resource-consumer model with distributed memory, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 347: 170-211 (2023). [123] (with Wei Gou, Zhen Jin), Hopf bifurcation for general network-organized reaction-diffusion systems and its application in a multi-patch predator-prey system, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 346: 64-107 (2023). [122] (with Chuang Xiang, Jicai Huang), Bifurcations in Holling-Tanner model with generalist predator and prey refuge, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 343: 495-529 (2023). [121] (with Min Lu, Jicai Huang), An organizing center of codimension four in a predator-prey model with generalist predator: from tristability and quadristability to transients in a nonlinear environmental change, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, Vol. 22: 694-729 (2023). [120] (with Kai Wang, Hongyong Zhao), Aggregation and classification of spatial dynamics of vector-borne disease in advective heterogeneous environment, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 343: 285-331 (2023). [119] (with Shuai Li, Sanling Yuan), Disease transmission dynamics of an epidemiological predator-prey system in open advective environments, DCDS-B, Vol. 28: 1480-1502 (2023). [118] (with Kai Wang, Hongyong Zhao), Geometric singular perturbation of a nonlocal partially degenerate model for Aedes aegypti, DCDS-B, Vol. 28: 1279-1299 (2023). [117] (with Gui-Quan Sun, Li-Feng Hou, Li Li, Zhen Jin), Spatial dynamics of a vegetation model with uptake-diffusion feedback in an arid environment, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 85: 50 (2022). [116] (with Ling Xue, Kai Zhang), Long-term forecast of HIV/AIDS epidemic in China with fear effect and 90-90-90 strategies, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 84: 132 (2022). [115] (with Kai Wang, Yong-Jung Kim), Spatial segregation in reaction-diffusion epidemic models, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 82: 1680-1709 (2022). [114] (with Peng Wu, Xiunan Wang), Threshold dynamics of a nonlocal dispersal HIV/AIDS epidemic model with spatial heterogeneity and antiretroviral therapy, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 115: 106728 (2022). [113] (with Hongying Shu, Zongwei Ma), Diffusive host-pathogen model revisited: Nonlocal infections, incubation period and spatial heterogeneity, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 516: 126477 (2022). [112] (with Juping Ji), Competitive exclusion and coexistence in a stoichiometric chemostat model, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, in press (2022). [111] (with Xiunan Wang, Pouria Ramazi, Kyeongah Nah, Mark A. Lewis), From policy to prediction: Forecasting COVID-19 dynamics under imperfect vaccination, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 84: 90 (2022). [110] (with Qin Pan, Jicai Huang), An SIRS model with nonmonotone incidence and saturated treatment in a changing environment, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 85: 23 (2022). [109] (with Yawen Yan, Jimin Zhang), Algae-Bacteria Interactions with Nutrients and Light: a Reaction-Diffusion-Advection Model, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 32: 56 (2022). [108] (with Ling Xue, Shuanglin Jing, Kai Zhang, Russell Milne), Infectivity versus fatality of SARS-CoV-2 mutations and influenza, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 121: 195-202 (2022). [107] (with Gui-Quan Sun, Hong-Tao Zhang, Lili Chang, Zhen Jin, Shigui Ruan), On the Dynamics of a Diffusive Foot-and-Mouth Disease Model with Nonlocal Infections, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 82: 1587-1610 (2022). [106] (with Wanxiao Xu, Hongying Shu, Zheng Tang), Complex dynamics in a general diffusive predator-prey model with predator maturation delay, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, published online (2022). [105] (with Juan Liang, Chen Liu, Gui-Quan Sun, Li Li, Lai Zhang, Meiting Hou, Zhen Wang), Nonlocal interactions between vegetation induce spatial patterning, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 428: 127061 (2022). [104] (with Velizar Kirkow, Pablo Venegas Garcia, Shohel Ahmed, Christopher M. Heggerud), Impacts of a changing environment on a stoichiometric producer-grazer system: a stochastic modelling approach, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 469: 109971 (2022). [103] (with Anji Yang, Tonghua Zhang, Sanling Yuan), Stochastic switches of eutrophication and oligotrophication: modeling extreme weather via non-Gaussian Lévy noise, Chaos, Vol. 32: 043116 (2022). [102] (with Min Lu, Chuang Xiang, Jicai Huang), Bifurcations in the diffusive Bazykin model, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 323: 280-311 (2022). [101] (with Ling Xue, Shuanglin Jing), Evaluating strategies for tuberculosis to achieve the goals of WHO in China: a seasonal age-structured model study, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 84: 61 (2022). [100] (with Shengnan Zhao, Sanling Yuan), Adaptive dynamics of a stoichiometric phosphorus-algae-zooplankton model with environmental fluctuations, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 32: 36 (2022). [99] (with Xiunan Wang, Pouria Ramazi, Kyeongah Nah, Mark Lewis), A hypothesis-free bridging of disease dynamics and non-pharmaceutical policies, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 84: 57 (2022). [98] (with Chuang Xiang, Jicai Huang), Linking bifurcation analysis of Holling-Tanner model with generalist predator to a changing environment, Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 149: 124-163 (2022). [97] (with Shu-Fei Gao, Anglu Shen, Jie Jiang, Sanling Yuan), Kinetics of phosphate uptake in the dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi in response to phosphate stress and temperature, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 468: 109909 (2022). [96] (with Yurij Salmaniw, Zhongwei Shen), Global dynamics of a diffusive competition model with habitat degradation, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 84: 18 (2022). [95] (with Pablo Venegas Garcia, Shohel Ahmed, Christopher M. Heggerud), Mathematical comparison and empirical review of the Monod and Droop forms for resource-based population dynamics, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 466: 109887 (2022). *Recommended on Faculty Opinions [94] (with Ming Chen, Menglin Gong), Discrete-time versus continuous-time toxic predation models, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol. 28: 244-258 (2022). [93] (with Hua Zhang, Ben Niu), Dynamics of a stoichiometric producer-grazer model with maturation delay, Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 3: 24-49 (2022). [92] (with Chunxi Feng, Mark A. Lewis, Chuncheng Wang), A Fisher-KPP model with a nonlocal weighted free boundary: analysis of how habitat boundaries expand, balance or shrink, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 84: 34 (2022). [91] (with Shanshan Feng, Xiaofeng Luo, Xin Pei, Zhen Jin, Mark A. Lewis), Modeling the early transmission of COVID-19 in New York and San Francisco using a pairwise network model, Infectious Disease Modelling, Vol. 7: 212-230 (2022). [90] (with Cuihua Wang, Sanling Yuan), Spatiotemporal patterns of a diffusive prey-predator system with spatial memory and pregnancy period in an intimidatory environment, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 84: 12 (2022). [89] (with Qihua Huang, Paul L. Salceanu), Dispersal-driven coexistence in a multiple-patch competition model for zebra and quagga mussels, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol. 28: 183-197 (2022). [88] (with Christopher M. Heggerud, Mark A. Lewis), Coupling the socio-economic and ecological dynamics of cyanobacteria: single lake and network dynamics, Ecological Economics, Vol. 194: 107324 (2022). [87] (with Kai Wang, Hongyong Zhao), Traveling waves for a diffusive mosquito-borne epidemic model with general incidence, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), Vol. 73: 31 (2022). [86] (with Haitao Song, Fang Liu, Feng Li, Xiaochun Cao, Zhongwei Jia, Huaiping Zhu, Michael Y. Li, Wei Lin, Hong Yang, Jianghong Hu, Zhen Jin), Modeling the second outbreak of COVID-19 with isolation and contact tracing, DCDS-B, Vol. 27: 5757-5777 (2022). [85] (with Yawen Yan, Jimin Zhang), Dynamics of Stoichiometric Autotroph-Mixotroph-Bacteria Interactions in the Epilimnion, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 84: 5 (2022). [84] (with Yongli Song, Junping Shi), Spatiotemporal dynamics of a diffusive consumer-resource model with explicit spatial memory, Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 148: 373-395 (2021). [83] (with Ling Xue, Shuanglin Jing), Evaluating the impacts of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in Canada based on mobile network, PLoS ONE, 16(12): e0261424 (2021). [82] (with Junping Shi, Chuncheng Wang), Spatial movement with diffusion and memory-based self-diffusion and cross-diffusion, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 305: 242-269 (2021). [81] (with Ammar Hassanzadeh Keshteli, Dana Allen, Afia Anjum, Yashvi Patel, Aadhavya Sivakumaran, Siyang Tian, Fei Wang, Mark A. Lewis, Russell Greiner, David S. Wishart), A Longitudinal Dataset of Incidence and Intervention Policy Impacts Regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canadian Provinces, Data in Brief, Vol. 38: 107381 (2021). [80] (with Colleen M. Davies), Incorporating Carbon Dioxide into a Stoichiometric Producer-Grazer Model, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 83: 49 (2021). [79] (with Arezoo Haratian, Hadi Fazelinia, Zeinab Maleki, Pouria Ramazi, Mark A. Lewis, Russell Greiner, David S. Wishart), Dataset of COVID-19 outbreak and potential predictive features in the USA, Data in Brief, 107360 (2021). [78] (with Sarita Bugalia, Jai Prakash Tripathi), Mathematical modeling of intervention and low medical resource availability with delays: applications to COVID-19 outbreaks in Spain and Italy, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 18: 5865-5920 (2021). [77] (with Pouria Ramazi, Arezoo Haratian, Maryam Meghdadi, Arash Mari Oriyad, Mark A. Lewis, Zeinab Maleki, Roberto Vega, David S. Wishart, Russell Greiner), Accurate Long-Range Forecasting of COVID-19 Mortality in the USA, Scientific Reports, Vol. 11: 13822 (2021). [76] (with Sebastian Schreiber, Shuo Huang, Jifa Jiang), Extinction and quasi-stationarity for discrete-time, endemic SIS and SIR models, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 81: 2195-2217 (2021). [75] (with Xiao-Feng Luo, Shanshan Feng, Junyuan Yang, Xiao-Long Peng, Xiaochun Cao, Juping Zhang, Meiping Yao, Huaiping Zhu, Michael Y. Li, Zhen Jin), Nonpharmaceutical interventions contribute to the control of COVID-19 in China based on a pairwise model, Infectious Disease Modelling, Vol. 6: 643-663 (2021). [74] (with Yongli Song, Shuhao Wu), Memory-based movement with spatiotemporal distributed delays in diffusion and reaction, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 404: 126254 (2021). [73] (with Zhenkun Wang, Yurij Salmaniw), Persistence and propagation of a discrete-time map and PDE hybrid model with strong Allee Effect, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 61: 103336 (2021). [72] (with Zhenkun Wang), Bistable traveling waves in impulsive reaction-advection-diffusion models, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 285: 17-39 (2021). [71] (with Jimin Zhang, Jude D. Kong, Junping Shi), Phytoplankton competition for nutrients and light in a stratified lake: a mathematical model connecting epilimnion and hypolimnion, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 31: 35 (2021). [70] (with Qingyan Shi, Junping Shi), Spatial Movement with Distributed Memory, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 82: 33 (2021). [69] (with Christopher Botelho, Jude D. Kong, Mentor A.B. Lucien, Zhisheng Shuai), A Mathematical Model for Vibrio-Phage Interactions, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 18: 2688-2712 (2021). [68] (with Xiunan Wang, Michael Li), Modeling rabies transmission in spatially heterogeneous environments via θ-diffusion, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 83: 16 (2021). [67] (with Angela Peace, Paul C. Frost, Nicole D. Wagner, Michael Danger, Chiara Accolla, Philipp Antczak, Bryan W. Brooks, David M. Costello, Rebecca A. Everett, Kevin B. Flores, Christopher M. Heggerud, Roxanne Karimi, Yun Kang, Yang Kuang, James H. Larson, Teresa Mathews, Gregory D. Mayer, Justin N. Murdock, Cheryl A. Murphy, Roger M. Nisbet, Laure Pecquerie, Nathan Pollesch, Erica M. Rutter, Kimberly L. Schulz, J. Thad Scott, Louise Stevenson), Stoichiometric ecotoxicology for a multi-substance world, BioScience, Vol. 71: 132-147 (2021). [66] (with Xiaoyuan Chang, Junping Shi), Spatial modeling and dynamics of organic matter biodegradation in the absence or presence of bacterivorous grazing, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 331: 108501 (2021). [65] (with Ming Chen), Dynamics of a discrete-time stoichiometric optimal foraging model, DCDS-B, special issue “20 Years of DCDS-B”, Vol. 26: 107-120 (2021). [64] (with Zhenkun Wang), Persistence and Propagation of a PDE and Discrete-Time Map Hybrid Animal Movement Model with Habitat Shift Driven by Climate Change, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 80: 2608-2630 (2020). [63] (with Xinmiao Rong, Yazhou Sun, Meng Fan), Stoichiometric modeling of aboveground-belowground interaction of herbaceous plant and two herbivores, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 82: 107 (2020). [62] (with Colleen M. Davies), Contrasting stoichiometric dynamics in terrestrial and aquatic grazer-producer systems, Journal of Biological Dynamics, special issue “ICMA VII”, published online (2020). [61] (with Sanling Yuan, Dongmei Wu, Guijie Lan), Noise-induced transitions in a nonsmooth producer-grazer model with stoichiometric constraints, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 82: 55 (2020). [60] (with Qi An, Chuncheng Wang), Analysis of a spatial memory model with nonlocal maturation delay and hostile boundary condition, DCDS-A, Vol. 40: 5845-5868 (2020). [59] (with Christopher M. Heggerud, Mark A. Lewis), Transient dynamics of a stoichiometric cyanobacteria model via multiple-scale analysis, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 80: 1223-1246 (2020). [58] (with Junping Shi, Chuncheng Wang, Xiangping Yan), Diffusive spatial movement with memory, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 32: 979-1002 (2020). [57] (with Mostafa Fazly, Mark A. Lewis), Analysis of propagation for impulsive reaction-diffusion models, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 80: 521-542 (2020). [56] (with Shengnan Zhao, Sanling Yuan), Threshold behavior in a stochastic algal growth model with stoichiometric constraints and seasonal variation, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 268: 5113-5139 (2020). [55] (with Angela Peace), Compensatory foraging in stoichiometric producer-grazer models, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 81: 4932-4950 (2019). [54] (with Christina P. Tadiri, Jude D. Kong, Gregor F. Fussmann, Marilyn E. Scott), A Data-Validated Host-Parasite Model for Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 7: 307 (2019). [53] (with Jude D. Kong, Tariq Siddique, Julia Foght, Kathleen Semple, Zvonko Burkus, Mark A. Lewis), Second-generation stoichiometric mathematical model to predict methane emissions from oil sands tailings, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 694: 133645 (2019). [52] (with Xiunan Wang, Michael Li), R0 and sensitivity analysis of a predator-prey model with seasonality and maturation delay, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 315: 108225 (2019). [51] (with Yongli Song, Shuhao Wu), Spatiotemporal dynamics in the single population model with memory-based diffusion and nonlocal effect, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 267: 6316-6351 (2019). [50] (with Zhuanzhuan Liu, Zhongwei Shen, Zhen Jin), Analysis of a diffusive SIR model with seasonality and nonlocal incidence of infection, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 79: 2218-2241 (2019). [49] (with Junping Shi, Chuncheng Wang), Diffusive spatial movement with memory and maturation delays, Nonlinearity, Vol. 32: 3188-3208 (2019). [48] (with Junjing Xiong, Xiong Li), The survival analysis of a stochastic Lotka-Volterra competition model with a coexistence equilibrium, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, an open access special issue "Recent Advances in Mathematical Population Dynamics", Vol. 16: 2717-2737 (2019). [47] (with Jie Jiang, Anglu Shen, Sanling Yuan), Regulation of phosphate uptake kinetics in the bloom-forming dinoflagellates Prorocentrum donghaiense with emphasis on two-stage dynamic process, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 463: 12-21 (2019). [46] (with Qi An, Edoardo Beretta, Yang Kuang, Chuncheng Wang), Geometric stability switch criteria in delay differential equations with two delays and delay dependent parameters, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 266: 7073–7100 (2019). [45] (with Dongmei Wu, Sanling Yuan), Stochastic sensitivity analysis of noise-induced transitions in a predator-prey model with environmental toxins, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, an open access special issue "Recent Advances in Mathematical Population Dynamics", Vol. 16: 2141-2153 (2019). [44] (with Junjing Xiong, Xiong Li), Global asymptotic stability of a Lotka-Volterra competition model with stochasticity in inter-specific competition, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 89: 58-63 (2019). [43] (with Haniyeh Fattahpour, Hamid R. Z. Zangeneh), Dynamics of coral reef models in the presence of parrotfish, Natural Resource Modeling, Vol. 32: e12202 (2018). [42] (with Da Song, Meng Fan, Ming Chen), Dynamics of a periodic stoichiometric model with application in predicting and controlling algal bloom in Bohai Sea off China, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, an open access special issue "Resource Explicit Population Models", Vol. 16: 119-138 (2018). [41] (with Ming Chen, Meng Fan, Congbo Xie, Angela Peace), Stoichiometric food chain model on discrete time scale, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, an open access special issue "Resource Explicit Population Models", Vol. 16: 101-118 (2018). [40] (with Zexian Lu, Aditya Raghavan), Weak dynamical threshold for the “strict homeostasis” assumption in ecological stoichiometry, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 384: 233-240 (2018). [39] (with Lulu Wang, Zhen Jin), A switching model for the impact of toxins on the spread of infectious diseases, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 77: 1093-1115 (2018). [38] (with Silogini Thanarajah, Philippe Gaudreau), Refuge-mediated predator-prey dynamics and biomass pyramids, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 298: 29-45 (2018). [37] (with Jude D. Kong, Paul Salceanu), A stoichiometric organic matter decomposition model in a chemostat culture, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 76: 609-644 (2018). [36] (with Tian Xie, Xianshan Yang, Xiong Li), Complete global and bifurcation analysis of a stoichiometric predator-prey model, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 30: 447-472 (2018). [35] (with Qihua Huang, Mark A. Lewis), A hybrid continuous/discrete-time model for invasion dynamics of zebra mussels in rivers, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 77: 854-880 (2017). [34] (with Mostafa Fazly, Mark A. Lewis), On impulsive reaction-diffusion models in higher dimensions, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 77: 224-246 (2017). [33] (with Jinhuo Luo, Jin Wang), Seasonal forcing and exponential threshold incidence in cholera dynamics, DCDS-B, Vol. 22: 2261-2290 (2017). [32] (with Angela Peace, Monica D. Poteat), Somatic growth dilution of a toxicant in a predator-prey model under stoichiometric constraints, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 407: 198-211 (2016). [31] (with Xianshan Yang, Xiong Li, Yang Kuang), Stability and bifurcation in a stoichiometric producer-grazer model with knife edge, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, Vol. 15: 2051-2077 (2016). [30] (with Qihua Huang), A toxin-mediated size-structured population model: finite difference approximation and well-posedness, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 13: 697-722 (2016). [29] (with Qihua Huang, Anthony Ricciardi, Mark A. Lewis), Temperature- and turbidity-dependent competitive interactions between invasive freshwater mussels, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 78: 353-380 (2016). [28] (with Jude D. Kong, Chaochao Jin), The inverse method for a childhood infectious disease model with its application to pre-vaccination and post-vaccination measles data, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 77: 2231-2263 (2015). [27] (with Maryam Khajeh Alijani, James J. Elser), Modeling the bacterial contribution to planktonic community respiration in the regulation of solar energy and nutrient availability, Ecological Complexity, Vol. 23: 25-33 (2015). [26] (with Qihua Huang, Mark A. Lewis), The impact of environmental toxins on predator-prey dynamics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 378: 12-30 (2015). [25] (with Jude D. Kong, William Davis, Xiong Li), Stability and sensitivity analysis of the iSIR model for indirectly transmitted infectious diseases with immunological threshold, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 74: 1418-1441 (2014). [24] (with Angela Peace, Yang Kuang), Dynamics of a producer-grazer model incorporating the effects of excess food-nutrient content on grazer’s growth, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 76: 2175-2197 (2014). [23] (with Jude D. Kong, William Davis), Dynamics of a cholera transmission model with immunological threshold and natural phage control in reservoir, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 76: 2025-2051 (2014). [22] (with Xiong Li, Zheng Zhang, Alan Hastings), Mathematical analysis of coral reef models, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 416: 352-373 (2014). [21] (with Michael Li, Xihui Lin), Global Hopf branches and multiple limit cycles in a delayed Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model, DCDS-B, Vol. 19: 747-760 (2014). [20] (with Nicholas Piazza), Bifurcation and sensitivity analysis of immunity duration in an epidemic model, IJNAM-B, Vol. 4: 179-202 (2013). [19] (with Qihua Huang, Laura Parshotam, Caroline Bampfylde, Mark A. Lewis), A model for the impact of contaminants on fish population dynamics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 334: 71-79 (2013). [18] (with Silogini Thanarajah), Competition of motile and immotile bacterial strains in a petri dish, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 10: 399-424 (2013). [17] (with Xihui Lin), Stability analysis of delay differential equations with two discrete delays, CAMQ, Vol. 20: 519-533 (2012). [16] (with Robert W. Sterner, James J. Elser), On the "strict homeostasis" assumption in ecological stoichiometry, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 243: 81-88 (2012). [15] (with Silogini Thanarajah), Competition of fast and slow movers for renewable and diffusive resource, CAMQ, Vol. 20: 75-88 (2012). [14] (with Michael Li, Xihui Lin), Global Hopf branches in a delayed model for immune response to HTLV-1 infections: coexistence of multiple limit cycles, CAMQ, Vol. 20: 39-50 (2012). [13] (with Abhinav Singh, Wendy Morrison, Howie Weiss), Modeling fish biomass structure at near pristine coral reefs and degradation by fishing, Journal of Biological Systems, Vol. 20: 21-36 (2012). [12] (with Mark Pollicott, Howie Weiss), Extracting the time-dependent transmission rate from infection data via solution of an inverse ODE problem, Journal of Biological Dynamics, Vol. 6: 509-523 (2012). [11] (with Xiong Li, Yang Kuang), Global analysis of a stoichiometric producer-grazer model with Holling type functional responses, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 63: 901-932 (2011). [10] Revisit brown lemming population cycles in Alaska: examination of stoichiometry, IJNAM-B, Vol. 1: 93-108 (2010). [9] (with Xiong Li), A stoichiometrically derived algal growth model and its global analysis, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 7: 825-836 (2010). [8] (with John Nagy, Olivier Gilg, Yang Kuang), The roles of predator maturation delay and functional response in determining the periodicity of predator-prey cycles, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 221: 1-10 (2009). [7] (with Katherine Dunning, James J. Elser, Yang Kuang), Daphnia species invasion, competitive exclusion, and chaotic coexistence, DCDS-B, Vol. 12: 481-493 (2009). [6] (with Lin Jiang, Joshua S. Weitz), Bacterivorous grazers facilitate organic matter decomposition: a stoichiometric modeling approach, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Vol. 69: 170-179 (2009). [5] (with Wendy Morrison, Abhinav Singh, Howie Weiss), Modeling inverted biomass pyramids and refuges in ecosystems, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 220: 1376-1382 (2009). [4] (with Richard I. Joh, Howie Weiss, Joshua S. Weitz), Dynamics of indirectly transmitted infectious diseases with immunological threshold, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 71: 845-862 (2009). *Featured in Research Horizons of Georgia Tech, Volume 25, Number 3, page 14 (2008) [3] (with Yang Kuang, Irakli Loladze), Dynamics of a mechanistically derived stoichiometric producer-grazer model, Journal of Biological Dynamics, Vol. 2: 286-296 (2008). [2] (with Hal Smith, Yang Kuang, James J. Elser), Dynamics of stoichiometric bacteria-algae interactions in the epilimnion, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 68: 503-522 (2007). [1] (with Yang Kuang), Alternative models for moss-lemming dynamics, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 4: 85-99 (2007). *Cover illustration in Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
OTHER PUBLICATIONS ◆ (with Xiunan Wang), Contemporary Delay Differential Equation Models and Analysis in Mathematical Biology, a peer-reviewed book chapter in Contemporary Research in Mathematical Biology - Modeling, Computation and Analysis, World Scientific (2022). ◆ (with Wenlong Wang), Elementary Algebra Exercise Book III, ISBN: 978-87-403-3542-2, Ventus Publishing (2020). *A supplemental material with 42 multi-choice questions ◆ (with Jingjing Xu, Mark A. Lewis), Cyanobacterial Blooms and Their Toxic Effects on Fish Populations, Alberta Conservation Association (ACA), Alberta. ACA Final Report (2019). ◆ (with Wenlong Wang), Elementary Algebra Exercise Book II, ISBN: 978-87-403-1297-3, Ventus Publishing (2016). *A supplemental material with 42 multi-choice questions ◆ (with Qihua Huang, Mark A. Lewis), Development of a Toxin-Mediated Predator-Prey Model Applicable to Aquatic Environments in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region. Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN), University of Alberta, School of Energy and the Environment, Edmonton, Alberta. OSRIN Technical Report (2014). ◆ (with Wenlong Wang), Elementary Algebra Exercise Book I, ISBN: 978-87-403-0315-5, Ventus Publishing (2013). *A supplemental material with 42 multi-choice questions ◆ Mathematical Modeling I - preliminary, ISBN: 978-87-403-0248-6, Ventus Publishing (2012). ◆ (with Mark A. Lewis), Evaluation for "Do invasive species show higher phenotypic plasticity than native species and, if so, is it adaptive? A meta-analysis. Ecology Letters, Vol. 14", Faculty of 1000 Biology (2011). ◆ (with Mark A. Lewis), Evaluation for "A Model for Plant Invasions: the Role of Distributed Generation Times. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 71", Faculty of 1000 Biology (2010). ◆ (with Mark A. Lewis), Evaluation for "Functional trait assembly through ecological and evolutionary time. Theoretical Ecology, Vol. 2", Faculty of 1000 Biology (2010). ◆ (with Mark A. Lewis), Evaluation for "Stability and Bifurcations in an Epidemic Model with Varying Immunity Period. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 72", Faculty of 1000 Biology (2010).