International Journal of                                                 Numerical Analysis & Modeling

 ISSN 1705-5105
"For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics" -----Roger Bacon


                 Volume 2  (2005)                  

(all papers can be downloaded at the page numbers)                        

Special Issue on

Scientific Computing in Petroleum Industry (SCPI)

Guest Editors:

Jiachang Sun and Xue-Cheng Tai

Contents                                                                    (Full Issue, click here)


H. Leon, H. Pina, C. Cueve and C. Casetaneda,   Baroclinic  mathematical  modeling  of fresh water plumes in the interaction river-sea   .........................................................................1

Jianwen Cao and J. Sun,   An efficient and effective nonlinear solver in a parallel software for large scale petroleum reservoir simulation................................................................................15

N. Ma, D. Yang and T. Lu,   L^2-norm error bounds of characteristics collocation method   for compression miscible displacement in porous media...........................................................28

R. Ewing, G. Qin and W. Zhao,   High performance computing in petroleum applications............................................................................................................................43

Z. Chen, G. Huan and B. Li,   A pseudo function approach in reservoir simulation................58

Y. Yuan,   Numerical Simulation and analysis of migration-accumulation of oil resources..........68

H. Li and J. Sun,   Robin transmission conditions for overlapping additive Schwarz  method applied to linear elliptic problems............................................................................................83

D. Wang and Q. Du,   Mesh optimization based on the centroidal Voronoi tessellation ........100

Z. Bai, X. Guo and J. Yin,  On two iteration methods for the quadratic matrix equations .....114

G. Zhou, Y. Haung and C. Feng,   Preconditioned hybrid conjugate gradient algorithm for     P-Laplacian ........................................................................................................................123

S. Wang, Z. Zhao, L. Xu, D. Guo and S. Sun,   Optimization for automatic history      matching .............................................................................................................................131

S. Tong and J. Chen,   Full implicit numerical simulator for polymer flooding and profile   control ................................................................................................................................138

W. Tang, G. Zhao, L. Xu, B. Zhang and W. Zhao,   Numerical simulation study on hydrocarbon migration of Paleo-reservoirs in Tazhong oil filed, Tarin bBasin,            northwestern China .............................................................................................................143

D. Han, J. Wang and J. Ye,   New demands for application of numerical simulation                 to improve reservoir studies in China ....................................................................................148

G. Zhao, Z. Yin, T. Wu and J. Chen,   Large-scale reservoir simulation using                      PC-clusters..........................................................................................................................153

Z. Yin, G. Zhao and S. Tong,  The investigation of numerical simulation software for fractured reservoirs ............................................................................................................................161

J. Yao,   Explore, a visualization system for reservoir simulation............................................169

Y. Yang, T. Dai, Z. Han, J. Shu and Z. Pan,   The parallel strategy of a large scale simulation about ten millions nodes to reservoir with multiple layers .......................................................177

W. Zhang and G. Zhang,   3D prestack depth migration with factorization four-way splitting scheme  ..............................................................................................................................184

Y. Erlangga, C. Vuik and C. Oosterlee,   On a robin iteration method for heterogeneous Helmholtz problems for geophysics applications....................................................................196


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