International Journal of                                                 Numerical Analysis & Modeling

 ISSN 1705-5105
"For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics" -----Roger Bacon


                 Volume 5  (2008)                  

(all papers can be downloaded at the page numbers)                        

Special Issue on

Modeling, Analysis and Simulations of Multiscale Nonlinear Systems

Guest Editors:

M. Peszynska, R. Showalter, A. Spagnuolo and N. Walkington

Contents                                                                    (Full Issue, click here)


S. Apte and N. Patankar,   A formulation for fully resolved simulation (FRS) of               particle-turbulence interactions in two-phase flows......................................................................1

G. Chen, Z. Lin, D. Morse, S. Snider, S. Apte, J. Liburdy and E. Zhang,   Multiscale   feature detection in unsteady separated flows............................................................................17

C. Chevalier and F. Debbasch,   Brownian motion and entropy growth on irregular surface.....................................................................................................................................36

Y. Epshteyn and B. Riviere,   Convergence of high order methods for miscible displacementi............................................................................................................................47

P. Fischer and K. Tung,   Wavelets, a numerical tool for multiscale phenomena: from two dimensional turbulence to atmospheric data analysis...................................................................64

K. Hay and M. Dragila,   Physics of fluid spreading on rough surfaces....................................85

K. Barmak, M. Emelianenko, D. Golovaty, D. Kinderlehrer and S. Taasan,   A new perspective on texture evolutiono..............................................................................................93

S. Meier and M. Bohm,  A note on the construction of function spaces for distributed miscrostructure models with spatially varying cell geometry......................................................109

M. Peszynska and S. Yi,  Numerical methods for unsaturated flow with dynamic capillary pressure in heterogeneous porous median...............................................................................126

M. Peter and R. Showalter,   Homogenization of secondary-flux models of partially fissured media....................................................................................................................................150

A. Trykozko, G. Brouwer and W. Zijl,   Downscaling: a complement to homogenization......................................................................................................................157 

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