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Preview the Preface, Foreword, Table of Contents and Chapter 1 of the book "Intangibles".


"ProGrid provides a unique visual display through a transaction language that facilitates the flow of ideas based on solid science discovery across the whole innovation continuum. To be successful in the knowledge economy, a medium of common understanding is essential for experts in different disciplines to efficiently develop and address challenging multidisciplinary proposals for economic and social success - ProGrid is such a medium".

Dr. R.B. (Robert) Church
Chair Emeritus, Alberta Science and Research Authority

"If you buy certain premises... that often the most important factors in tough evaluations are ignored or misrepresented because they are hard to measure, that in most, possibly all instances of complex decision-making there are two over-riding criteria that define the issue, and that by modeling these you increase clarity and quality of choice, then Clem and his colleagues at ProGrid are on to something powerful and much needed in a world of increasing complexity."

Alex Lowy
Co-author, "The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix"

"ProGrid is the stuff of Serious Issues. Intangibles is a useful read for those who must make choices where the key criteria are (at a minimum) mutually exclusive and, more often than not, conflicting... This is a short book, with 7 chapters that cover the "What" and the "So What?" of ProGrid's approach to evaluating what cannot be measured. It is also a long book, with 19 chapters dedicated to case studies - actual and potential uses of the ProGrid methodology. Clem and the ProGrid team have been well placed over the years to impact on Big Things; Intangibles captures the essence of their learning".

R.R. Marshall
Director, Network and Corporate Development
Ontario Centres of Excellence
Centre for Materials and Manufacturing

"I have used ProGrid both as a reviewer and as a member of groups responsible for selecting research projects to receive funding. It has proven to be a very useful and easy to use tool. This interesting book does a great job in explaining the philosophical basis for the design of ProGrid and provides detailed information about its application."

Dr. Andrew M. Sherman
Member of the Board
Centre for Automotive Materials and Manufacturing (CAMM)