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Instream Flow Needs: A Mechanistic Model-based Approach (IFN)


Oliveira, NM, Hilker, FM (2010). Modelling disease introduction as biological control of invasive predators to preserve endangered prey. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 72, 444-468.

Lewis, M.A., Lutscher, F., Hillen T.  Spatial dynamics in ecology. (2009). In M.A. Lewis, J. Keener, P. Maini and M. Chaplain (Eds.), Park City Mathematics Institute Volume in Mathematical Biology. Insitute for Advanced Study, Princeton.

F. Lutscher, E. McCauley, M.A. Lewis. (2007). “Spatial patterns and coexistence mechanisms in systems with unidirectional flow.” Theoretical Population Biology: 71: 267–277.

R. Nisbet, K. Anderson , E. McCauley, M.A. Lewis. (2007). “Response of equilibrium states to spatial environmental heterogeneity in advective systems.”  Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering: 4(1): 1-13.


Affiliated Researchers

  • M. Sieber, University of Osnabrueck, Germany;
  • N. Kehrein, University of Osnabrueck, Germany;
  • E. McCauley, University of Calgary;
  • F. Lutscher, University of Ottawa
  • Peter Steffler, Engineering, U of A
  • Andrew Paul, AB SRD
  • Jon Jacobson, Harvey Mudd College.
Caterpillar, graphs, tent in trees