Recent Scientific Papers
Eric Woolgar
Post-1993 Publications:
- Extreme 5-dimensional black holes with SU(2)-symmetric horizons, E Bahuaud, S Gunasekaran, HK Kunduri, and E Woolgar, [arxiv:2409.00910].
- Deformations of the Kerr-(A)dS near horizon geometry, E Bahuaud, S Gunasekaran, HK Kunduri, and E Woolgar, Class Quantum Gravit 41 (2024) 065001 [arxiv:2310.06186].
- Rigidity of quasi-Einstein metrics: The incompressible case, E Bahuaud, S Gunasekaran, HK Kunduri, and E Woolgar, Lett Math Phys 114 (2024) 8 (pp1--17) [arxiv:2307.00738].
- Static near horizon geometries and rigidity of quasi-Einstein manifolds, E Bahuaud, S Gunasekaran, HK Kunduri, and E Woolgar, Lett Math Phys 112 (2022) 116 (pp 1--16) [arxiv:2208.02962].
- Bakry-Emery Ricci Curvature Bounds on Manifolds with Boundary, K Moore and E Woolgar, J Math Phys 64 (2023) 022504 (pp 1--21) [arxiv:2110.06524].
- Self-similar curve shortening flow in hyperbolic 2-space, E Woolgar and Ran Xie, Proc AMS 150 (2022) 1301--1319 [arxiv:2101.07469].
- The topology of general cosmological models, GJ Galloway, M Khuri, and E Woolgar, Class Quantum Gravit 39 (2022) 195004 []
- A Bakry-Emery almost splitting result with applications to the topology of black holes, GJ Galloway, M Khuri, and E Woolgar, Commun Math Phys 384 (2021) 2067--2101 [arxiv:2006.11482].
- Inscribed radius bounds for lower Ricci bounded metric measure spaces with mean convex boundary, A Burtscher, C Ketterer, RJ McCann, and E Woolgar, SIGMA 16 (2020) 131 1--29 (Gromov 75th birthday issue) [arxiv:2005.07435]
- Formal power series for asymptotically hyperbolic Bach-flat metrics, A Alaee and E Woolgar, Lett Math Phys 110 (2020) 3401--3425 [ arxiv:1809.06338].
- New Restrictions on the Topology of Extreme Black Holes, M Khuri, E Woolgar, and W Wylie, Lett Math Phys 109 (2019) 661--673 [ arxiv:1804.01220].
- Nonexistence of Degenerate Horizons in Static Vacua and Black Hole Uniqueness, M Khuri and E Woolgar, Phys Lett B 777 (2017) 235--239 [arxiv:1710.09669].
- Nonexistence of de Sitter Black Rings, M Khuri and E Woolgar, Class Quantum Gravit 34 (2017) 22LT01 [ arxiv:1708.03627].
- Curvature-dimension bounds for Lorentzian splitting theorems, E Woolgar and W Wylie, J Geom Phys 132 (2018)131--145 [arxiv:1707.09058].
- Ricci flow and volume renormalizability, E Bahuaud, R Mazzeo, and E Woolgar, SIGMA 15 (2019) 057 1--21 [arxiv:1607.08558].
- The rigid Horowitz-Myers conjecture, E Woolgar, JHEP 1703 (2017) 104 [arxiv:1602.06197].
- Cosmological singularity theorems and splitting theorems for $N$-Bakry-Émery spacetimes, E Woolgar and W Wylie, J Math Phys 57 (2015) 022504 [arxiv:1509.05734].
- Asymptotically hyperbolic normalized Ricci flow and rotational symmetry, E Bahuaud and E Woolgar, Commun Anal Geom 26 (2018) 1009--1045 [arxiv:1506.06806].
- On static Poincaré-Einstein spacetimes, GJ Galloway and E Woolgar, JHEP 1506 (2015) 051 [arxiv:1502.04646].
- Cosmological singularities in Bakry-Émery spacetimes, GJ Galloway and E Woolgar, J Geom Phys 86 (2014) 359--369 [arxiv:1312.3410].
- Bakry-Emery black holes, M Rupert and E Woolgar, Class Quantum Gravit 31 (2014) 025008 [arxiv:1310.3894].
- Renormalized volume and the evolution of APEs, E Bahuaud, R Mazzeo, and E Woolgar, Geometric Flows 1 (2015) 126--138 [arxiv:1307.4788].
- Scalar-tensor gravitation and the Bakry-Émery-Ricci
tensor, E Woolgar, Class Quantum Gravit 30 (2013) 085007 [arxiv:1302.1893].
- The Ricci flow of asymptotically hyperbolic mass and applications, T Balehowsky and E Woolgar, J Math Phys 53 (2012) 072501 [arxiv:1110.0765].
- The Ricci flow of the 'RP^3$ geon' and noncompact manifolds with essential minimal spheres, T Balehowsky and E Woolgar [arxiv:1004.1833].
- On long-time existence for the flow of static metrics with rotational symmetry, L Gulcev, TA Oliynyk, and E Woolgar, Commun Anal Geom, 18 (2010) 705--741 [arxiv:0911.2037].
- Ricci Solitons and Einstein-Scalar Field Theory, MM Akbar and E Woolgar, Class Quantum Gravit 26 (2009) 055015 [arxiv:0808.3126].
- Some Applications of Ricci Flow in Physics, E Woolgar, Proc Theory Canada III workshop, Can J Phys 86 (2008) 645 --651 [arxiv:0708.2144].
- A Metric for Gradient RG Flow of the Worldsheet Sigma Model Beyond First Order, T Oliynyk, V Suneeta, and E Woolgar Phys Rev D76:045001 (2007) [arxiv:0705.0827 ].
- Rotationally symmetric Ricci flow on asymptotically flat manifolds, T Oliynyk and E Woolgar, Commun Anal Geom 15 (2007) 535--568; long version available as [math/0607438].
- A Gradient Flow for Worldsheet Nonlinear Sigma Models, T Oliynyk,
V Suneeta, E Woolgar , Nucl Phys B, 739 (2006) 441--458 [hep-th/0510239].
- Irreversibility of World-Sheet Renormalization Group Flows, T
Oliynyk, V Suneeta, E Woolgar, Phys
Lett B610 (2005) 115--121 [hep-th/0410001].
- On the Geometry and Mass of Static, Asymptotically AdS
Spacetimes, and the Uniqueness of the AdS Soliton, GJ Galloway, S
Surya, and E Woolgar, Commun Math Phys 241 (2003) 1--25 [hep-th/0204081].
- Non-Existence of Black Holes in Certain Lambda<0 Spacetimes,
GJ Galloway, S Surya, and E Woolgar, Class Quantum Gravit 20
(2003) 1635--1648 [gr-qc/0212079].
- Positive Mass from Holographic Causality, DN Page, S Surya, and E
Woolgar, Phys Rev Lett 89 (2002) 121301 [hep-th/0204198].
- A Uniqueness Theorem for the Anti-de Sitter Soliton, GJ Galloway,
S Surya, and E Woolgar, Phys Rev Lett 88 (2002) 101102
- New Five Dimensional Black Holes Classified by Horizon Geometry,
and a Bianchi VI Braneworld, C Cadeau and E Woolgar, Class. Quantum
Gravit 18 (2001) 527--542 [gr-qc/0011029].
- AdS/CFT Correspondence and Topological Censorship, GJ Galloway,
K Schleich, DM Witt, and E Woolgar, Phys Lett B505 (2001) 255--262 hep-th/9912119.
- Topological Censorship and Higher Genus Horizons, GJ Galloway, K
Schleich, DM Witt, and E Woolgar, Phys Rev D 60 (1999)
104039 [gr-qc/9902061].
- Bounded Area Theorems for Higher Genus Black Holes, E Woolgar
(1999), Class Quantum Gravit 16 (1999) 3005--3012 [gr-qc/9906096].
- Causal Structure of Kink Spacetimes, E Woolgar, talk presented at
Ken Dunn Memorial Session, Seventh Canadian Conference on General
Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics, June 1997 Acrobat
- The Cosmic Censor Forbids Naked Topology, GJ Galloway and E
Woolgar, Class Quantum Gravit 14 (1997) L1--L7 [gr-qc/9609007].
- Fastest Curves and Toroidal Black Holes, E Woolgar, Banach
Center Pub 41 (1997) 233--242 Acrobat
- A Causal Order for Spacetimes with C^0 Lorentzian Metrics: Proof
of Compactness of the Space of Causal Curves, RD Sorkin and E Woolgar, Class
Quantum Gravit 13 (1996) 1971--1994 [gr-qc/9508018].
- Causal Precedence Formalism, E Woolgar, Fields Inst
Commun 15 (1997) 367--370 Acrobat
- The Positivity of Energy for Asymptotically Anti-de Sitter
Spacetimes, E Woolgar, Class Quantum Gravit 11 (1994)
1881--1900 [gr-qc/9404019].
- A Positive Mass Theorem Based on Focusing and Retardation of Null
Geodesics, R Penrose, RD Sorkin, and E Woolgar (1993), preprint
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