Graph Theory (MATH 322)

In the mathematical field of graph theory, a graph is akin to a network, having points (technical term: "vertices") and lines connecting points ("edges").

Example 1

Think about a social network—LinkedIn, say. If we think of each person as a point, we connect two points if they are connected on LinkedIn. What we have, then, is a graph, albeit a rather large one (approximately 530 million points as of January 2018).

Pare this down a little to something more manageable: your own personal network of contacts. In that network, how many "triangles" are there, that is, triples of people in which all three people know each other? Graph theory has a neat way to answer that question using a matrix associated to your network. Graph theory, then, has connections to linear algebra.

Example 2

We could depict all the roads in Alberta in the form of a graph. We represent intersections by points, and we represent stretches of road between intersections by lines. We could even go one step further and add distance information to the graph, describing how long the stretch of road is between any two intersections.

Modelling the road network in this stripped-down way, we're in a stronger position to answer questions such as:

Course topics

The topics to be covered in the course are not final until the course syllabus is released, but likely possibilities are:
