1.) A note on the Witt group of $\P^n$
Math. Z. 237 (2001), 601-619.
2.) On Witt groups with support Math. Ann.
322 (2002), 103-137.
3.) The Gersten conjecture for Witt groups in
the equicharacteristic case
(joint with Paul Balmer,
Ivan Panin and
Charles Walter )
Doc. Math. 7 (2002), 203-217.
4.) Pairings in triangular Witt theory (joint with
Alexander Nenashev )
J. Algebra 261 (2003), 292-309.
5.) Homotopy invariance of coherent Witt groups
Math. Z. 244 (2003), 211-233.
6.) A transfer morphism for Witt groups
J. reine angew. Math. 564 (2003),
7.) Motivic decomposition of isotropic projective
homogenous varieties
(joint with Vladimir Chernousov
and Alexander Merkurjev )
Duke Math. J. 126 (2005), 137-159.
8.) A zero theorem for the transfer of coherent
Witt groups
(joint with Jens Hornbostel )
Math. Nachr. 278 (2005), 815-823.
9.) Koszul complexes and symmetric forms over the punctured affine space
(joint with Paul Balmer )
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 91 (2005), 273-299.
10.) On injective modules over Azumaya algebras over locally
noetherian schemes Manuscripta Math. 121
(2006), 437-450.
11.) A graded Gersten-Witt complex for schemes with a dualizing
complex and the Chow group J. pure appl. Algebra
208 (2007), 391-419.
12.) A Gersten-Witt complex for hermitian Witt groups of
coherent algebras over schemes I: Involution of the first kind
Compos. Math. 143 (2007), 271-289.
13.) The general dévissage theorem for Witt
groups of schemes Arch. Math.
88 (2007), 333-343.
14.) On the Brauer group of a semisimple algebraic group
Adv. Math. 220 (2009), 913-925.
15.) The first Zariski cohomology group of the Witt sheaf over a
split simply connected simple algebraic group Quadratic Forms--Algebra,
Arithmetic, and Geometry, 163-180, Contemp. Math.
493 Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009.
16.) A Gersten-Witt complex for hermitian Witt groups of
coherent algebras over schemes II: Involution of the second kind
J. K-Theory 4 (2009), 347-377.
17.) The Rost nilpotence theorem for geometrically rational surfaces
Invent. Math. 181 (2010), 1-19.
18.) The first Suslin homology sheaf of a split simply connected semisimple
algebraic group J. Algebra 333 (2011), 26-39.
19.) Equivariant pretheories and invariants of torsors (joint with
Kirill Zainoulline)
Transform. Groups 17 (2012), 471-498.
20.) On coherent hermitian Witt groups Manuscripta Math.
141 (2013), 423-446.
21.) On Chow motives of surfaces J. reine angew. Math.
686 (2014), 149-166.
22.) On the Brauer group of the product of a torus and a semisimple
algebraic group (joint with
Nikita Semenov) Israel J. Math. 202 (2014), 375-403.
23.) Permutation modules and Chow motives of geometrically rational
surfaces J. Algebra 440 (2015), 443-463.
24.) Milnor-Witt K-groups of local rings (joint with
Stephen Scully
and Changlong Zhong)
Adv. Math. 286 (2016), 729-753.
25.) On the Rost nilpotence theorem for threefolds
Bull. London Math. Soc. 50 (2018), 63-72.
26.) Rost nilpotence and free theories (joint with
Alexander Vishik)
Doc.Math. 23 (2018), 1635-1657.
27.) On quadratic forms over semilocal rings
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), 1063-1082.
28.) A hermitian analog of a quadratic form theorem of Springer
Manuscripta Math. 163 (2020), 125-163.
29.) On the splitting principle for cohomological invariants of
reflection groups (joint with
Christian Hirsch)
Transform. Groups 27 (2022), 1261-1285.
30.) On Brauer invariants of finite groups Math. Z. 300
(2022), 217-234.
31.) On the Gersten conjecture for hermitian Witt groups (joint with
Ivan Panin) Math. Ann. 389
(2024), 1187-1224.
32.) On the Witt group of the punctured spectrum of a regular semilocal ring (joint
Ivan Panin) pdf
Preprint (February 2024).