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The documents contained in these directories are included by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non- commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

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J.M. De Koninck, I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, On the index of composition of integers from various sets, Arch. Math., 88 (2007), 524-536.


I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, On the function _(s)_(s-a) . . . _(s-ra) = P_a,r(n)/ns, Mathematica Pannonica, 16 (2005), 19-27. copy the title directly from paper because of spedial characters in the title


I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, Limit distribution of the iterated divisor function, Annales Univ Budapest Sec. Comp.,

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I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, Some remarks on the φ and σ functions, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest Sec. Comp., 25 (2005), 113-130.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, Unitary analogs of some formulae of Ingham, Ars Combinatoria,

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I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, Distribution of 2-additive functions under some conditions, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Comp., 26 (2006), 137-143.


I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, A remark on a paper written by J. M. De Koninck and A. Ivic, Mathematica Pannonica, 17 (2006), 229-235.


I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, A remark on the product partitions of integers into k-parts, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Comp., 26 (2006), 43-49.


I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, Some more remarks on j and s-- functions, Annales Univ, Sci. Budapest, Sect. Comp., 26 (2006), 51-63.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, Maximal order of certain sums of powers of the logarithmic function, Ramanujan Mathematical Society  Lecture Notes Series, 2 (2006), 141-154.

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J.M. DeKoninck, I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, A consequence of a theorem of Filaseta,  Annales des Sciences mathematiques du Quebec, 30 (2006), 55-62.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, A characterization of unitary convolution through its non-trivial identical equation, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,

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M.V. Subbarao and M. Sugunamma, Busche-Ramanujan, Allied identities: some extensions and analogs,

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I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao,On the asymptotic of Pu(n) where Pu(n)/ns = 1Q n=2 (1 - 1/ns),

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M.V. Subbarao, Product partitions and recursion formula, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 33 (2004), 1725-1735.


I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, On the local distribution of the iterated divisor function, Math Pannonica, 15 (2004), 127-140.

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M.V. Subbarao, Remarks on prime-independent multiplicative functions, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest Sect. Comp., 23 (2004), 95-105.


I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, On a new proof of a theorem of Indlekofer and Timo_er, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest Sec. Comp., 47 (2004),       143-147.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, Three theorems of Sierpinski and their unitary analogs, Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Applications, 14 (2004), 81-86.

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I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao, On the distribution of exponential divisors, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest Eötvös Sec. Comp., 22 (2003),       161-180.

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I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, Some remarks on a paper of Ramachandra, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 43 (2003), 410-418..


M.V. Subbarao and V.V. Subrahmanya Sastri, A transformation formula for products arising in partition theory, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 6 (1976) 345-356.


G.E. Hardy and M.V. Subbarao, A modified problem of Pillai and some related questions, Amer. Math. Monthly, 109 (2002), 554-559.


I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, Group valued q-additive functions on polynomial values, Publicationes Mathematicae Dobrecen, 59 (2001), 35-43.


M.V. Subbarao and V. Subrahmanya Sastri, On an extension of Nagell’s tolient function and some applications, Ars Combinatoria, 62 (2002)

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I. Kátai  and M.V. Subbarao, On the iterates of the sum of exponential divisors, Mathematica Pannonica, 10 (1999), 153-158.

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M.V. Subbarao, Odd perfect numbers: Some new issues, Periodica Math. Hungar., 38 (1999), 103-109.


M.V. Subbarao and A. Verma, Some summations of q-series by telescoping, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 191 (1999), 173-182.


I. Kátai , and M.V. Subbarao, The characterization of nir as a multiplicative function, Acta math. Hungar., 81 (1998), 349-353.


V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, On Unitary Multiperfect Numbers, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde: vierde serie Deel 16 (1998), 57-61.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, On the equation s*( s *(n)) = 2n, Utilitas Mathematica, 53 (1998), 101-124.


M.V. Subbarao and I Kátai , On the multiplication function nit, Studia Sci. Math Hungarica, 34 (1998) no. 1-3, 211-218.

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M.V. Subbarao, Product partitions and Euler pairs, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde vierde serie Deel, 15 (1997), 207-217.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, On regular ψ-convolutions, J. of the Indian Math. Soc. 64 (1997), 131-150.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, The identical equation in ψ-products, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 361-369.


V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, On a class of ψ-products preserving multiplicativity II, Indian J. Pure Applied Math., 25 (1994),

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W. Aiello and M.V. Subbarao, A conjecture in addition chains related to Scholz conjecture, Math. Comp. 61 (1993), 17-23 and Supplement       S1-S6.


V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, The maximal order of certain arithmetic functions, Indian J. Pure Applied Math., 24 (1993), 10-17.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, Asymptotic formulae for sums of reciprocals of some multiplicative functions, J. Indian Math. Soc., 57       (1991), 153-167.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, On a class of Ψ-products preserving multiplicativity, J. Pure Applied Math., 2 (1991), 819-832.

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M.V. Subbarao and A.K. Agarwal, Some properties of perfect partitions, J. Pure Applied Math., 22 (1991), 737-743.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, Convolutions with unbounded unity, Can. Math. Bull., 34 (1991), 542-546.

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M.V. Subbarao and V.C. Harris, On product partitions of integers, Can. Math. Bull., 34 (1991), 474-479.

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M.V. Subbarao and Wang Yuan, On a generalized Waring's problem in algebraic number fields, International Symposium in Memory of Hua Loo Peng, Springer-Verlag (1991), 265-277.


M.V. Subbarao and L.W. Yip, On Sierpinski's conjecture concerning the Euler totient, Can. Math. Bull., 34 (1992), 401-404.


M.V. Subbarao and L.W. Yip, Remarks on certain partition identities, SEA Bull. Math., 16 (1992), 57-61.

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J. Fabrykowski and M.V. Subbarao, Some new identities involving the partition function p(n), Number Theory and applications, (1990), 139-146.



M.S. Klamkin and M.V. Subbarao, A variant of an Erdös-Straus problem, Congressus Numerantium, 75 (1990), 159-164.

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M.V. Subbarao and L.W. Yip, Carmicheal's conjecture and some analogues, In Number Theory, J. M. De Koninck and C. Levesque (ed.) (1989), 928-941.


V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, Some asymptotic formulae involving powers of arithmetic functions, Lecture Notes  #1395, Springer-Verlag (1989), 555-574.


H.L. Abbott and M.V. Subbarao, On the distribution of values of {n d(n)}, Can. Math. Bull., 32 (1989), 105-108.

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M.V. Subbarao, K. Ramachandra and R. Balasubramanian, On the error function in the asymptotic formula for the counting function of K-full numbers, Acta Arithmetica, 50 (1988), 107-118.

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M.D. Hirschhorn  and M.V. Subbarao, On the parity of p(n), Acta Arithmetica, 50 (1988), 355-356.

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J. Fabrykowski and M.V. Subbarao, On a class of Arithmetic functions satisfying a congruence property, J. Madras University, 51 (1988), 48-56.


M.V. Subbarao, Remarks on some aspects of Ramanujan's work, In  Srinivasa Ramanujan - A Tribute, MacMillan and Co (1988), 82-88.

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M.V. Subbarao and J. Fabrykowski, On a problem of Erdös-Moser, Congressus Numerantium, 62 (1988), 79-83.

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M.V. Subbarao and A.K. Agarwal, Further theorems of the Rogers-Ramanujan type, Can. Math. Bull., 31 (1988), 210-214.

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M.V. Subbarao, G.E. Hardy and W. Aiello, On the existence of e-multiperfect numbers, Fibonacci Quarterly, 25 (1987), 65-71.

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M.V. Subbarao and J. Fabrykowski, On some diphantine equations involving exponentially multiplicative functions, Congressus Numerantium, 56 (1987), 163-171.

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M.V. Subbarao, On the parity of the partition function, Congressus Numerantium, 56 (1987), 265-275.

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V.C. Harris and M.V. Subbarao, On the divisor sum function, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 15 (1985), 399-412.


J. Fabrykowski and M.V. Subbarao, On e-perfect numbers not divisible by 3, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (Amsterdam), 4(1986),  165-173.

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J. Fabrykowski and M.V. Subbarao, On e -perfect numbers not divisible by 3 and a conjecture of Straus and Subbarao, Congressus Numerantium, 52 (1986), 79-90.

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A.A. Gioia and M.V. Subbarao, Research problems, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 15 (1985), 385-388.

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M.V. Subbarao and R. Sita Ramachandrarao, On some infinite series of L.J Mordell and their analogues, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 119 (1985), 245-255.


M.V. Subbarao and R. Sita Ramachandra Rao, The distribution of values of a class of arithmetic functions, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 20 (1985), 77-87.

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V. Sivarama Prasad and M.V. Subbarao, Regular convolutions and a related Lehmer problem, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 4 (1985), 1-18.

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M.V. Subbarao, Some Rogers-Ramanujan type partition theorems, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 120 (1985), 431-435.


M.V. Subbarao and V. Sivarama Prasad, Some analogues of a Lehmer problem on the totient function, Rocky Mountain J. of Math., 15 (1985), 609-620.


G.E. Hardy and M.V. Subbarao, On hyperperfect numbers, Congressus Numerantium, 42 (1984), 183-198.

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R.Sita Ramachandra Rao and M.V. Subbarao, Transformation formulae for multiple series, Pacific Journal of Mathemtatics,113 (1984), 471-479.


M.V. Subbarao and G.E. Hardy, Semi r-free and r-free integers, addendum and correndum, Can. Math. Bull., 27 (4) (1984), 523.

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M.V. Subbarao and D.M. Bressoud, On Uchimura's connection between partitions and the number of divisors, Can. Math. Bull., 27 (2) (1984), 143-145.

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G.E. Hardy and M.V. Subbarao, Semi-free and r-free integers - a unified approach; Corrigendum and addendum, Can. Math. Bull., 27 (1984), ??? .

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G.E. Hardy and M.V. Subbarao, Highly powerful numbers, Congressus Numerantium, 37 (1983), 277-307.

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G.E. Hardy and M.V. Subbarao, Semi-free and r-free integers - a unified approach, Can. Math. Bull., 25 (1982), 273-290.

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R.A. Smith and M.V. Subbarao, The average number of divisors in an arithmetic progression, Can. Math. Bull., 24 (1981), 37-41.

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M.V. Subbarao and V.C. Harris, A transformation formula for a class of arithmetic functions, Can. Math. Bull., 23 (1981), 73-77.

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M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, Arithmetical functions associated with the biunitary k-ary divisors of an integer, Indian J. Math.

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K.G. Ramanathan and M.V. Subbarao, Some generalizations of Ramanujan's sum, Can. Journal Math., 32 (1980), 1250-1260. page 1257 copied twice; delete one if possible


M.V. Subbarao, On the non-existence of certain Euler products, Can. Math. Bull., 23 (1980), 371-372.

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M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, Sums of the divisor and unitary divisor functions, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte  Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 302 (1978), 1-15.

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P. H. Diananda and M. V. Subbarao, On the Schnirelmann density of K-free integers, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 62 (1977), 7-10.


L. B. Richmond and M.V. Subbarao, On certain weighted partitions and finite semi simple rings, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 64 (1977), 13-19.


M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, On the order of the error function of the (k,r)-integers II, Can. Math. Bull., 20 (1977), 397-399.

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P.H. Diananda and M.V. Subbarao, The Schnirelmann density of k-free integers, Proc. of the Amer. Math. Soc., 62 (1977), 7-10.

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E.G. Straus and M.V. Subbarao, On the representation of fractions as sum and difference of three different simple fractions , Congressus Numerantium, (1977), 561-579.


M.V. Subbarao and V.V. Subrahmanya Sastri, A transformation formula for products arising in partition theory, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 6 (1976), 345-356.


M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, Corrections and additions to: On the set of integers of the form prmk, Indian J. of Mathematics, 17 (1975), 172.

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M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, Corrections to: Almost and nearly k-free integers, Indian Journal of Mathematics, 17 (1975), 171.

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M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, On the order of the error function for the (k,r)-integers, J. Number Theory, 6 (1974), 112-123.

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E.G. Straus and M.V. Subbarao, On exponential divisors, Duke Math. J., 41 (1974), 465-471.

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M.V. Subbarao, On two congruences for primality, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 52 (1974), 261-268.  page 265 done twice; delete one


M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, On the set of integers of the form prmk, Indian Journal of Mathematics, 15 (1973), 179-184.

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M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, Almost and nearly k-free integers, Indian Journal of Mathematics, 15 (1973), 163-169.

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L. Carlitz and M.V. Subbarao, Transformations of arithmetic functions, Duke Math. J., 40 (1973), 949-958.

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M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, The divisor problem for (k,r)-integers, J. Austral. Math. Soc., 15 (1973), 430-440.


M.V. Subbarao and V.C. Harris, An arithmetical sum with application to quasi k-free integers, J. Australian Math. Soc., 15 (1973), 272-278.

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M.V. Subbarao, A note on the parity of p(n), Indian J. Math., 14 (1972), 147-148.

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M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, Some theorems in additive number theory I, Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis  de Rolando Evölösnominatae, 15 (1972), 5-16. p. 15 done twice


L. Carlitz and M.V. Subbarao, A combinatorial identity of Winquist and its generalization, Duke Math. J., 39 (1972), 165-172.

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G. E. Andrews, M.V. Subbarao and M. Vidyasagar, A family of combinatorial identities, Can. Math. Bull., 15 (1972), 11-18.


P. Erdös and M.V. Subbarao, On the iterates of some arithmetic functions, Lecture Notes 251 Springer-Verlag (1972), 119-125..


L. Carlitz and M.V. Subbarao, A simple proof of the quintuple product identity, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 32 (1972), 42-44.


M.V. Subbarao and D. Suryanarayana, On an identity of Eckford Cohen, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 33 (1972), 20-24.

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M.V. Subbarao, Two new combinatorial identities, Det Kongeligie Norske Videnskebers Seelskabs Forhandlinger, 21 (1972), 1-4.


M.V. Subbarao, On some arithmetical convolutions, Arithmetic Functions, (Lecture Notes #251) Springer Verlag (1972), 247-272.


M.V. Subbarao et al, On unitary perfect numbers, Delta ,3 (1972), 22-26.


M.V. Subbarao, Perfect triangles, Amer. Math. Monthly, 78 (1971), 384-385.


M.V. Subbarao, On a partition theorem of MacMahon-Andrews, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 27 (1971), 449-450.


M.V. Subbarao, Partition theorems for Euler pairs, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 28 (1971), 330-336.


Y.K. Feng and M.V. Subbarao, On the density of (k,r)-integers, Pacific J. Math., 38 (1971), 613-618.

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Y.K. Feng and M.V. Subbarao, On the distribution of generalized k-free integers in residue classes, Duke Math. J. 38 (1971), 741-748.

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M.V. Subbarao and M. Vidyasagar, On Watson's quintuple product identity, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 26 (1970), 23-27.


M.V. Subbarao, Are there an infinity of unitary perface numbers?, Amer. Math. Monthly, 77 (1970), 389-390.


M.V. Subbarao, Some classes of complete sequences and approximations in normed linear spaces, Publications of the Ramanujan Institute (Madras), 1 (1969), 189-197.


M.V. Subbarao, Remarks on a paper of P. Kesava Menon, J. Indian Math. Soc., 32 (1968), 317-318.

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M.V. Subbarao, On a theorem of Erdös and Szekeres, Can. Math. Bull., 11 (1968), 597-598. p. 598 not visible;


M.V. Subbarao, A simple irrationality proof for quadratic surds, Amer. Math. Monthly, 75 (1968), 772-773.


M.V. Subbarao, Arithmetic functions and distributivity, Amer. Math. Monthly, 75 (1968), 984-988.


M.V. Subbarao, A class of additive functions, Amer. Math. Monthly, 75 (1968), 257-260.


M.V. Subbarao and A. A. Gioia, Identities of multiplicative functions, Can. Math. Bull., 10 (1967), 65-73.


V.C. Harris and M.V. Subbarao, Component congruences for a class of divisors, Whitney Memorial Collection, Univ. of Alberta, (1967), 323-329.

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M.V. Subbarao, A class of arithmetical equations, Nieuw Archief voor wiskunde, 15 (1967), 211-217.


M.V. Subbarao, An arithmetic function and an associated probability theorem, Indag. Math, 29 (1967), 93-95.


M.V. Subbarao, Generating functions for a class of arithmetic functions, Can. Math. Bull., 9 (1966), 427-431.

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M.V. Subbarao, A congruence of a class of arithmetic functions, Can. Math. Bull., 9 (1966), 571-574.

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M.V. Subbarao, Arithmetic functions satisfying a congruence property, Can. Math. Bull., 9 (1966), 143-146.

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M.V. Subbarao, A note on the arithmetic functions C(n,r) and C*(n,r), Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 15, (1966), 237-240.


M.V. Subbarao and L.J. Warren, Unitary perfect numbers, Can. Math. Bull., 9 (1966), 147-153.

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M.V. Subbarao and V.C. Harris, A new generalization of Ramanujan sum, J. London Math. Soc., 41 (1966), 595-604.

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M.V. Subbarao, On relatively prime sequences, Amer. Math. Monthly, 73 (1966), 1099-1102.


M.V. Subbarao, Some remarks on partition function, Amer. Math. Monthly, 73 (1966), 851-854.


M.V. Subbarao, The Brauer-Rademacher identity, Amer. Math. Monthly, 72 (1965), 135-138.


M.V. Subbarao, On some integral equations, Encyclopedia in Telugu, 9 Mathematics and Astronomy, (1965), 268.

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M.V. Subbarao, On integers and primes, Encyclopedia in Telugu, 9 Mathematics and Astronomy, (1965), 379-383.

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M.V. Subbarao, On the celestial sphere, Encyclopedia in Telugu, 9 Mathematics and Astronomy, (1965), 209-211.

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M.V. Subbarao, On earth and its motion. Encyclopedia in Telugu, 9 Mathematics and Astronomy, (1965), 444-447.

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M.V. Subbarao, Non-Euclidean geometry, Encyclopedia in Telugu, 9 Mathematics and Astronomy, (1965), 463-470.

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M.V. Subbarao, Irrational numbers, Encyclopedia in Telugu, 9 Mathematics and Astronomy, (1965), 524-527.

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M.V. Subbarao, Algebraic functions, Encyclopedia in Telugu, 9 Mathematics and Astronomy, (1965), 420-422.

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M.V. Subbarao, On Riemann's zeta function, Encyclopedia in Telugu, 9 Mathematics and Astronomy, (1965), 277.

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M.V. Subbarao, The Beta function, Encyclopedia in Telugu, 9 Mathematics and Astronomy, (1965), 421-422.

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M.V. Subbarao, The Gamma function, Encyclopedia in Telugu, 9 Mathematics and Astronomy, (1965), 235-236.

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M.V. Subbarao, Difference equations, Encyclopedia in Telugu, Mathematics and Astronomy, 9 (1965), 100-101.

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M.V. Subbarao, On some classes of complete sequences and approximations in linear topological spaces, Technical report to the National  Science Foundation (U.S.A.), (1964), 36.

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M.V. Subbarao, A generating function for a class of arithmetic functions, Amer. Math. Monthly, 70 (1963), 841-842.


M.V. Subbarao, Congruence properties of σ(n), Pacific J. Math., 12 (1962), 925-928.

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A. A. Gioia, M. V. Subbarao and M. Sugunamma, The Scholz-Brauer problem in additive chains, Duke Math. J., 29 (1962), 481-487.

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M.V. Subbarao, The algebra of bi-quadratic residues, Madras Univ. J., 30 (1960), 123-131.

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, The unitary divisor problem for arithmetic progressions,

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V. Sitaramaiah and M.V. Subbarao, On regular ψ-convolutions, J. Indian Math. Soc.,

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M.V. Subbarao, Closure theorems, Math. Student, 26 (1958), 61-70.

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M.V. Subbarao, On representations of numbers as sum of two squares, Math. Student, 26 (1958), 161-163.

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M.V. Subbarao, On the existence of a norm weaker than a given sequence of norms on a vector space, J. Indian Math. Soc., 27 (1958),

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M.V. Subbarao, A property of transformations over a sequence of spaces, J. Indian Math. Soc., 27 (1958), 59-64.

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M.V. Subbarao, Some properties of quadratic residues, Math. Student, 26 (1958), 7-8.

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M.V. Subbarao, On a function connected with φ(n), J. Madras Univ., 27 (1957), 327-333.


M.V. Subbarao, Ramanujan's trigonometric sum and relative partitions, J. Indian Math., 5 (1951), 57-64.

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M.V. Subbarao, A characterization of inner product spaces, J. Madras Univ., 21 (1951), 43-47.


M.V. Subbarao, On the lattice product of a family of topologies, J. Madras Univ., 21 (1951).

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M.V. Subbarao, Congruence properties of σ(n), Math. Student, 18 (1950), 17-18.

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M.V. Subbarao, Generalized Legendre polynomials, J. Indian Math. Soc., 7 (1943), 96-101.

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M.V. Subbarao, On some elliptic function formulas, Math. Student, 10 (1942), 87-91.

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M.V. Subbarao, Fractional powers of linear operators, Math. Student, (1942).

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Not in the above list; Insert at appropriate place chronologically:


M.V. Subbarao, Some problems and results in arithmetic functions, Proceedings ofInternational Conference …Number Theory, (2002), 121-133.

M.V. Subbarao, Addition chains - some results and problems, Number theory and Applications, (1989) 555-574.


P. Erdös, G.E. Hardy and M.V. Subbarao, On the Schnirelmann identity of k-free integers, Indian Journal of Mathematics, (1978),  46-55.